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Question: NO!! How can Stephenie Meyer not finish Midnight Sun!?
NOOO!! I can't believe Stephenie Meyer might not finish Midnight Sun! I wish people didn't leak it onto the internet!.!.!. does anyone know who leaked it!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no but its like stephanie only gave out a few copies of MS and then it leaked from one of the people!.!. and i think stephanie caught the person and i think that Person is in deep s**t now!.!.!.
arghh im sooo annoyed!.!.!.
why would anyone wanna leak only 12 chapters of it in the first place!.!.!. i cant read a part of it and wait!.!. i have to read the whole thing in one go!!

whats wrong with people!.!.!. seriously!!
arrghhh!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are people so naive!? Don't you think a few things are strange!?:

1- She would give out more than one unfinished copy!. I can imagine one for the family or for a proof reader, but that's it!.

2- She gave out 12 chapters- that's about half a book!. You would not do that- you might give away perhaps a few extracts so people will say 'Wow, this looks good' but you wouldn't give away half a book!.

3- If she says it's a draft then read it because the finished thing should be pretty different!.

4- Like she didn't know it would be leaked

5- Of course she will finish it so stop being martyrs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop getting all dramatic over a few chapters!. It's not the end of the world!. JK Rowling contended with a whole book and she didn't break down and say, "Now, I might never finish the HP Series!."
It's the same story as Twilight, isn't it!? Meyer is just trying to get more money!. Same story, different narrator!. Next, Twilight from Jacob's perspective or something!.
Besides, the draft might be different to the original!. It's a DRAFT, not the complete, final best version!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I still believe that either Meyer, her publicist, or Little, Brown (her publishing company) was behind the leak somehow, to build up hype around the book after the "Breaking Dawn" fiasco!.

But never fear!. If Meyer has a contract with Little, Brown to finish Midnight Sun - and she almost certainly does, given the amount of money they could make off it - she will HAVE to finish the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, let's stop the waterworks now!. We all know that Stephenie will continue writing it eventually!. Hello, who doesn't want money!? And why did she give a LOT of people the drafts!? It's like she was so sure that they can be trusted!. Now she's going about stuff like the fans were at fault here!. When something is leaked, you should acknowledge it and just continue to write!. No fuss, no hoopla!. She turned back on her word to promise her fans a published copy of Midnight Sun!.


Do you people not get it!?
Stephenie Meyer was the one who leaked the chapters!.
That little note that she put on her web site made it more obvious!.
A normal author would just ignore this and say that it's fake!.
She probably did it to try and make up for Breaking Dawn!.
Of course she'll publish it!.
It's another excuse to get more money!.
It's all that she cares about!.

Probably one of those ingenious hackers!. Hey, I saw a question called


Hmmmmm!.!.!.!.!. Suspicious!.

Go to this link!. U'll find out soon enough! (If he isn't just kidding)


I am pretty upset too! But i'm hoping maybe she will finish it in the next 3 years! So I hope it will be out 2010! But no-one knows! also, SM must know who leaked it! Cause on her website she says 'I only gave out a few copies of the first 12 chapters, each one was different!' So she knows! Maybe we will too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry no

Save Midnight Sun
