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Question: Why people tend to compare Twilight and Harry Potter!?
I understand that they're popular books , but how can people compare Harry Potter with Twilight!? It's ridiculous!
They're so different!.
HP is by far better series than Twilight!.
Twilight is like a teeny bad fan fiction!. It's not original , it's highly overrated and the characters are cartoonish and not realistic!.
On the other hand , the Harry Potter series are creative and original!. The characters have depth and are very well written!.
It has a huge worldwide base , and has sold far more copies than Twilight ever has!.

xx Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because they are either:
1-- Ignorant of statistics and/or what "worldwide phenomenon" means!.
2-- They are living under a rock!.

Twilight has sold 12 million copies!.
There is one movie, and it's unlikely they will film any but the first after the reviews of Breaking Dawn!.
And the only people who like Twilight are pansy boys, insecure teenage girls, or women with unfulfilled sex lives (just kidding!. But you get what I mean!. Twilight appeals to a limited group of people)!.
Breaking Dawn sold 1!.3 million copies its first day out!.
Twilight has no plot!. What little plot there is has just been jacked from other books!. There's nothing unique about it!. "Forbidden love" and "love triangles" have been done thousands of times before!. The characters (Jake excepted) are flat, boring, unappealing, Mary Sues, unrealistic, semi abusive, and/or terrible role models!. The book has no depth-- GOOD books have an underlying message!. Good books are never just a story; there's always lots more going on underneath the plot!. They are like onions; you peel them back layer by layer!. Twilight isn't like that!. There's nothing deeper to it than the story (which makes it a bad book, by my definition of good book)!. The writing is sub-par (Smeyer sucks), the dialog is cheesy, EVERYTHING is cliche (the books are so predictable), and there dozens of plot holes!. Half of the book is just filler; if it wasn't in first person point of view, they'd be about half the length they are now!. So many things happen that aren't important to the plot!. There are no subplots!.

Harry Potter has sold 400 million copies!.
There is an ENTIRE theme park for Harry Potter at--where is it!?-- Universal Studios!? I can't remember!.
They have 5 movies out, and eventually will have 8!.
The HP series has a universal appeal!. Children, adults, seniors, boys, girls-- people from every group have read the series!.
HP7 sold around 12 million copies its first day out!.
Harry Potter has a well crafted, 7-book long plot that has minimal plot holes (something most authors can't do)!. All of the characters are interesting and somehow tie into the story-- there are very few loose ends!. The writing, while not excellent, is pretty good!. There is a lot going on under the story (not suprising!. JKR graduated from Oxford!. She knows mythology like she knows the back of her hand)!. There is meaning and symbolism behind the things that happen!. There are dozens of subplots that somehow contribute to the main plot!. The plot is complex, interesting, and fairly devoid of cliches!.

Harry Potter is by far the superior series, both statistically and literature-wise!. Statistically, Harry Potter has sold more books than Twilight!. That means there is no competition!. Literary-wise, HP is more complex, better developed, and more meticulously planned out!. No competition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you that people should not compare the two!. However, that is EXACTLY what you are doing in your above post/question!.
Can you say CONTRADICTION!?!?!?

Two completely different series, completely different basis, completely different characters!. I love both series!.
Did you even read the whole Twilight series before deciding to badmouth it!? If not, you have no basis for your opinion (though you are still entitled to it) and if so, why did you waste your time reading something you didn't like!?

Bottom line, if you don't like Twilight, ignore it, and stop posting about it!.

P!.S!. Considering that Twilight only came out on the market in 2005 and HP has been around for like a decade, your comment about sales is pretty uneducated!. Popularity does not necessarily determine that something is better!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they have nothing better to do!. And it's mostly the media's fault!.!.!.of course they're going to start looking for the "next harry potter!." they always do stupid stuff like that!.

i think the books are completely different and they themselves definitely should not be compared!. the stories are nothing alike:

*One is a British book and the other is American!.
*One has been around since 1997 and the other just popped up in 2005!.
*One was a thoroughly planned out series from the beginning!. The other one is pretty much spontaneous, it wasn't going to be a series!.
*One attracts a diverse group of people from all ages, sexes, and nationalities!. The other is a romance novel that mainly attracts young females and the very rare male!.

The writing styles are sooooo different!. It's a ridiculous comparison!.

I like Twilight, but I LOVE Harry Potter!. it will always be very special to me (cheesy i know)!. But I don't feel the need to compare them!. I also love Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice, The Lovely Bones, and tons of other books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

shut up that the whole twilight series is crap ok, lots of ppl like them and i take it offensively!. u can say u dont like it that much but u cant insult it!. i tnik that they r both really good seriees and evn tho they r reallty different they r still the series on top and thats y they r compared so much ok!. yes harry potter is more popular than twilight but jus becuz it is more popular dosnt mean it is always better, evn tho i luv hpWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think the only reason people compare them is because people happen to be a fan of both [including myself lol] but i think people compare them because you sort of!.!.!. how do i say, get yourself lost in the book!? like you are actually there, and that its real!. the characters seem real and true and you feel like you know them!. at least thats how it is for me!. but i do agree, HP has a way more complex & interesting plot!. but i cant help but love twilight also!.!.!. and edward lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're absolutely correct!.

The people who compare these two series have lost it! Stephenie has a long path to walk before she reaches JK Rowling!. Enough said!.

And sales do have an impact on how popular a book is!. Uh, writing is a business, which means they have to make money, so the more the books sell the more popular the book OBVIOUSLY is!. Common sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree 1000000000 million percent
Twilight is a dumb book about a whiny girl who has bad hygiene and bad style and all she cares about is if Edward will turn her into the vampire!. Big Deal its just a book written for money @_@

Harry Potter is origninal and magical

Stephenie Meyer created two species
JK Rowling created a WORLD!

I know what you mean, its crazy!. twilight was a pathetic excuse of a book from the start, while harry potter is a masterpeice!. What's even worse than comparing them, some people say that twilight is better! It's an insult to compare twilight to harry potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think they are trying to see which one is really better and competing for that number 1 spot on the best sellers list!.!. idk!. thats what i always thought!. i heard that Twilight already got the spot!. But i could be wrong o!.O
i like them both so I'm neutral!. i think they're both soo amazing =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, great, you've re-opened the eternal debate! (groans)

I don't think they can be compared for the simple reason that they are aimed at different audiences!. Some people will prefer HP, others will prefer Twilight!. It can never be resolved!. End of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know! I really can't believe it either!. Sparkling vampires and clumsy girls magikally falling in love, which only tween girls can really believe, is being compared to the amazing amazing AH-MAZING Harry Potter series!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i Dont agree i was adie hard Harry Potter i love harry potter but Twilight is WAY better i LOVE Twilight!

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I know!. The comparisons are awful!. Harry Potter is so much better!.

Word to that!. They're compared because they've both made one hell of a lot of money!. Except JK Rowling deserved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah I've answered questions like these all too much!. And I don't have the energy or time to make a rant and add my evidence but you are indeed correct: Harry beats Twilight by far!. They shouldn't be compared!. I remember when Breaking Dawn was coming out, on the news they were all like "It is the most anticipated book since Harry Potter, may even beat it!." I wanted to scream!.

But trust me, the girls that I know that actually read twilight and like it haven't read many books!. Actually most of them haven't even read Harry Potter!. So to answer your question, I think why people compare both is ignorance!. Lol, actually I think I'm going to go on my rant!. Let me compare both!.

Twilight taught me to forget my morals and friends and lust--yes, lust--over an abusive boyfriend!. Have you ever heard Bella say something good about Edward that wasn't just based on his look!? "When I look into his golden eyes,!.!.!.my knees begin to shake!.!.!." Blah!. The two characters have no connection at all!. At least Bella and Jake had some meaningful connection that wasn't all about looks!. And Bella didn't even want to get married and have a kid, it was against her morals!. But in the end, she does do the things she hated the most!. Not only does she marry him, but she forgets her friends and her real life!. Meyer didn't know what she was writing at all!. She lacks creativity, originality, and in the last book she just spun up a tale like she didn't care at all!.

And then there is Harry!. JK spent more than a decade planning these books, Meyer dreamt about it!.!.!. Do I even have to explain!? Potter books taught me about fear, about hardship, friendship, and trust!.!.!.the list goes on!. Now a days, I try to ignore the annoying girls at school saying “Twilight is the best book ever!”Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm also confused about that, there is no way they can be compared because they both have different impacts on me i don't say the type or anything (because they are clearly far different in that) i'm saying that for me each one has separate loving way !.!.and besides they do that because twilight is NEARLY as popular as harry potter but of course not!. i mean harry potter deserves all the attention because of how a WHOLE WORLD was created by rowling that you can't help but feel fascinated about some of the amazing stuff in it !.!.!.
i'm not gonna say that twilight doesn't deserve anything it does but i don't think people should compare them as u said it's completely ridiculous! harry potter was read by even people of 30 years old and married they are suitable for most of the people but twilight i think are suitable for by far 25 because it is after all a teenage story

oh and something else i bet most of the fans of twilight are girls !.!.for edwards ofcourse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
while most of the fans of harry potter are boys becuase the main characters even beside harry are boys !.!.u can really see the significant character of ron more than hermione and neville more than say ginny or luna and even the families harry comes by (the weasleys and the dursleys are made up of men, the weasleys have 5 boys for crying out loud) !.!.it's funny considering twilight and harry potter were written by women

anyway i love them both veryy much and i think they're both master pieces!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I 'LIKED' Harry Potter, but I found it hard to understand, a little boring, and plain right weird!. But the books are good, but Witches and Wizards!? Not original! Sorry!

I 'LOVE' the Twilight series more than anything in the world! I know people just say it's a stupid love story, but did Harry Potter have any proper love!? (That chinese girl and Ginny don't really count) It was 'Oh, evil guy killed my family, lets all love me!' Like get a life Harry!

But whatever i like both of them i understand vampires are again not orignal but what else do we have!?Www@QuestionHome@Com