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Question: Multiple Choice Questions from The Crucible by Arthur Miller!?
Proctor's comment to Mary Warren, "It's strange work for a Christian girl to hang old women," implies that he thinks Mary's behavior is_______________!." Is the answer cruel, hypocritical, cowardly, or rash!?

Which of the following best characterizes Mary Warren!? Is she pious, jealous, gullible, vicious!?

What is Mary's motive in giving the "poppet" to Elizabeth!? She wants to make friends with Eliz!? she wants Eliz to see her as an innocent girl!? she wants to plant evidence of witchcraft in Eliz's house!? she wants to make peace with Eliz after disobeying her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the answer is cruel!.
Mary Warren, as her characteristics go, is, I would say more paranoid than anything in Act two- reasonable, since she is trying to deny her use of witchcraft-which the punishment is to be strung by the neck until dead, and of course, trying to get rid of Goody Proctor under the influece of Abigail, so thus, Gullible!.
As stated before, she is trying to keep her slate clean because, if you continue reading, some people of the court will sieze the poppit and take Goody Proctor with them!. This serves a point later on as well!.
