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Question: Twilight versus Anita Blake series by laurell k hamilton!. how does Twilight stack up!?
i asked about twilight earlier and from the answers i got it seemed like twilight is more for high school or middle schoolers!. i really like the anita blake series!. more of an addict!. i like the carnage!. i mean who else writes about baby-eating zombies!? so if you have read both please give me your suggestion!. i dont want to waste time reading shiat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are lots of adults who like Twilight (just check out the TwiMoms), but yeah, I personally think it's better suited to teenagers!. Twilight's "plot" is basically an extended interior monologue of angst about why he doesn't like her, if he likes her, why he likes!.!.!.!. The action is pretty anti-climactic!.

For carnage and ***-kicking heroines (Bella SUCKS - Alice is the most interesting female character in the series by far), maybe you should consider the Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison, the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, or the Blood series by Tanya Huff instead!. Anne Rice is less with the cool heroines, but her vampires don't sparkle either!.

For more suggestions, check out my list of vampire books: http://www!.squidoo!.com/vampiretalesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Man, going from Anita Blake to Twilight would be like going from French Gourmet to baby food!. Say goodbye to virtually any violence, all sex, and bon voyage to interesting plots!. I've read both series, and while I've had my gripes about the Anita Blake series too, it far outshines Twilight!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the anita blake series is much better if you want some sexy, kick a@@ story lines!. i love her books!. twilight is good but like you said, more of the tween, teen series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com