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Question: The clique series!?!?!?!?
How is the order of the whole entire clique series!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the clique
best friends for never
revenge of the wanabees
invasion of the boy snatchers
the pretty commitee strikes back
dial L for loser
its not easy being mean
sealed with a diss
bratfest at tiffanys

the clique summer edition:

All books are out and i love them(:Www@QuestionHome@Com

the clique
best friends for never
revenge of the wannabes
invasion of the boy snatchers
the pretty commitee strikes back
dial L for loser
it's not easy being mean
sealed with a diss
bratfest at tiffany's
and the summer collection for all the clique girls which r seperate books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Clique,Best Friends for Never,Revenge of the Wannabes,Invasion of the Boy Snatchers,The Pretty Committee Strikes Back,Dial L for Loser, It's not Easy Being Mean, SEaled with a Diss, and Bratfast at TiffanysWww@QuestionHome@Com