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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you keep your soft cover books from getting the lines on the spine?

Question: How do you keep your soft cover books from getting the lines on the spine!?
Is it from opening them too much or what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's from the paper on the spine folding!. I don't think there's any way to avoid it, except by not opening your books very far--but that makes them almost impossible to read!.

And IMHO, it's not worth the effort!. Those lines aren't really damaging the book, and paperbacks have no real value as objects, so keeping them pristine should not override enjoying the story!.

[EDIT] The adhesive used for most book bindings these days is quite good and should stand up just fine to normal reading!. Most new books won't lose pages unless they're super cheap!. Old ones, however, can have the adhesive crack and whole sections of pages fall out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lines do come from folding, and they are indeed difficult to prevent unless you are very careful how much you open the book!. However, it can cause damage to the book!. Eventually, the spine of the book breaks, either in one or sometimes several places!. This can cause several pages (sometimes whole chunks) of the book to fall out!. If you sell or trade books (the best solution to get rid of already-read paperbacks), booksellers will not accept them in that condition!. Just be careful not to fold TOO much, and it should be fine though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no its normal wear and tear i just ignore it but my sister duck tapes the spine of her harry potter books so they wont crease if i were you i would ignore it because books arent for show they ar for reading but if your a neat freak just dont open them to far you could laminate the book thats what librarys do hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com