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Question: Yearbook theme is Global Visioning: The 21st Century Journey!?
Our yearbook theme is Global Visioning: The 21st Century Journey, what does this mean and what exactly should we do!? We must portray our theme throughout the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your theme means that your school, and in particular the graduating class, thinks globally!.
They are concerned about the climate, pollution, war, helping needy areas, getting from 'here' to 'there' (that's the 'journey' part; really: the journey is to find your way to your goals)!.

This can be shown throughout your yearbook by pictures and a few well-placed quotes by notables who 'think globally!.' (The quotes can be by both 'world' names and school student-representatives!.)

The pictures can include anyone giving a helping hand to anyone else at school functions and beyond!. At school, that means pics of anything from an assist at a sports event to helping another student in class or a club, even adjusting a backpack or holding a lot of books!.!.!. and pics of student 'out-reach'--

!.!.!.Meaning student functions in the community!.!.!. a Christmas choir at a senior home, a play that can represent global thought, a contingent of students who decide to dish up some Thanksgiving meals at a homeless center!.!.!.
Global thinking usually starts right in one's backyard: a gathering of students at any local museum, political scene (city hall or screening of national conventions), library book drive; you get what I mean by now!.
Students helping their world be a better place, even if it is 'just' getting people to laugh or picking up trash at a favorite local spot!.

Best of luck with your yearbook and all the work you'll put into it!. I think it's a good theme and one that can really take off with some good pictures and, like I said, a few meaningful quotes relating to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The theme is very objective!. It can mean different things to each person because the 21st Century Journey can be anything from World Peace to World War!.
It can also be a scientific journey to find a cure for something!. [Global Warming!?]
There's a lot of things you can do with this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com