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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some of your favorite quotes from Twilight? ?

Question: What are some of your favorite quotes from Twilight!? !?
Not necessarily the most popular quotes just your favortie ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love those 1s too (proposing :D sigh, and so the lion fell in love with the lamb)!.!.!. i also LOVE ;

"i prefer brunettes" -edward

"look after my heart, i've left it with you" - edward

"woohhh! go Gators! finally someones getting some action around here"- Emmet!.!. LMAO

"if i could dream at all it would be about you, and im not ashamed of it"-edward

"of ALL the things that could frighten you!.!. you worry about my driving"-edward

"the sound of your heart is the most signifagant sound of my world"-edward

"if you ever kiss her again, i WILL break your jaw for her" - Edward

Go to youtube if you want more :):):)
bascically ANYTHING edward says LOL!.


Edward: "I thought it was a good representation!.!.!.It's hard and cold and it throws rainbows in the sunlight"
Bella: "You forgot the most important similarity!.!.!.It's beautiful"
Edward: "My heart is just as silent!.!.!.And it ,too, is yours"


Honestly i think everytime jacob had a part i laughed!. so every sentence from Jacob is my fav quote LOL


also i like the "as long as we both shall live" or something like that!. i thought that was super cute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Edward proposes:

" I promise to love you forever, and every day of forever, Bella Sawn will you marry me!?"

omg tthat is my favorite quote!!

i like the " and so the lion fell in love with the lamb!.!.!.!.!. " thts my favorite and its the most popular!. lol