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Question: Harry Potter fans, i need your advice!.!.!. again!!?
OK!.!. I bet you all i know about my HP party cuz i ask soo many questions about it!

Anyway, originally, me and my friends were gonna theme my house hogwarts!.!. but now i just realised! I'm dressing up as Draco Malfoy - I could theme my house Malfoy Manor!
What do you guys think!?
Malfoy Manor or Hogwarts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hogwarts because all the cool people will dress up as Slytherins!
Well unless they dress up as Luna!.!.!.


I think the two setting our similar!.!.!.you might be able to pull off both!. Both places are dark and dull in coloring!.!.!.and you could do one room like the Slytherian's common room!.!.with the banner and different Slytherian theme item!.!.!.heck you can even try to make a big enough cut out to be the Slytherain's house ghost to breeze in the room!.

For Malfoy Manor!.!.!.try to do the dark feel with if you could pictures of the family members in fake frames place in order on the family archery!.Plus if they had another house elf (I don't remember if Dobby was their only one) get a plush house elf in that room in the corner or somewhere!.

Sounds like fun!. Have a good time!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm, the thing about Malfoy Manor, is that Mud-bloods wont be able to come, meaning No Hermione, no Dean!.!.!.!.blah blah!!
So I think if you want to have be "diplomatic" Draco, then you should rather it be Hogwarts!.
Anyway, I ca not see your father approving, of those of unworthy blood coming into his house! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hogwarts will be easier because there are more descriptions of it but if you feel adventurous do the malfoy manor you can get creative with it and it'll be really unexpected not like every other hp party! good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts is definitely better, because it gives much more costume opportunities, and also the atmosphere of Hogwarts would be much happier than Malfoy Manor!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts! It's less gloomy and oppressive than Malfoy Manor, and no less impressive!.
You can even get people to turn up in the House colours!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts because you could split your house into the four different houses in Hogwarts and you can still wear your Draco costume!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts! You'd have more choices!.!. And Hogwarts is described clearly in the books numerous times, you'd be able to pull a Hogwarts decoration easier!. :)

I'd vote for Manor!. A party of death eaters - more specific than the whole school, plus you could hang a poster of voldy on the wall =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts cos there would be no way harry would go to malfoy manor so it would be more realistic!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obv!. Hogwarts!.


Hogwarts cos then the other houses can attend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

malfoy manor would be so opulant but hogwarts would be more fun good luck Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Hogwarts is better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hogwarts would do-where is this party!lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com