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Question: Dr!.seuss- children's author!?
does anyone know when did dr!.seuss became a children's author like in what year!. and does anyone have or know how come dr!.seuss is an accomplished children's author!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

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1937 but the story had to get through 27 rejections before being published!. And To Think That I Saw That on Mulberry Street was the first book!. The reason that the books and stories are so popular is the rhyming rhythm of the stories!. The beautiful graphics that accompany the books also were a departure from books of the day!. Dr!. Seuss also had a lot of education to draw from to make his stories interesting!. Most people were making stories for children that involved Dick and Jane so mythical people and places with fantastic names such as Solla Sollew, Oobleck, and Sneetches gave children a bit of fantasy in a scary world!. World War II and the Korean War were a little less frightening with the nonsense stories with a message that taught without pressure some basic lessons for children!. Besides what is the first thing you think about when you hear the name Dr!. Seuss!? The Cat in the Hat!? Bartholomew and the Oobleck!? Do you think you are going to learn about tolerance, trying new foods, listening to your parents, and taking care of those who are smaller than you!? (The Sneetches, Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat and the Hat, and Horton Hears a Who) His stories were interesting, easy to read, and parents had fun reading the stories (and having them read aloud by their children) which makes them a perennial favorite with adults and children of today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was an accomplished writer because of this:

One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish

He knew how to rhyme and he knew how to keep it simple:

Go Dog Go

He knew entertainment and what kids like:

I sat there with Sally
We sat there we two
And I said "How I wish we had something to do"

And he had imagination:

It all happened on Mulberry Street!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he wrote his first book in 1937, but got 27 rejections before he found a publisher!. it was "And to think that I saw it on Mulberry street"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
