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Question: Catherine Cookson novels!?
I am soon to inherit the complete set of Catherine Cooksons novels + other books connected to her!.

I have searched the web to try and find out how much these might be worth and I have had no joy!.

Can anyone suggest where to look!?

Most places I have tried are for selling books, usually individual or antique etc, which is no good for me!.

also, once I have read the ones, I haven't yet read, I will need to know where I might sell them! Do you think a private sale or an auction, would be best!?

That's all folks, thanks in advance, if you help me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi, unfortunately Catherine Cookson was a prolific writer and her books were and continue to be, so popular that you can pick them up everywhere from charity shops to car boots!. On Amazon you will find them for sale at 1p each!. Unless the collection contains first editions I do not think they will be worth much!.I would suggest that you contact your nearest auction room and ask for a valuation prior to sale!. They are pretty accurate and have their finger on the pulse as far as what will sell and a fair estimate!. Sorry i cannot be more optimistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

isn t there a rare bookseller near where you live as they would be able to tell how much they are worth and if they are in good condition Www@QuestionHome@Com

try abe books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com