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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The House of Pellinor series by Alison Croggon. Anyone love them like me????

Question: The House of Pellinor series by Alison Croggon!. Anyone love them like me!?!?!?!?
Well, i see loads of people obsessing about twilight but what about the gift, the riddle, the crow, the singing by alison croggon!?!?!?
They truly are an amazing set of books and i love the alternate world created - i'd say better than harry potter!.
The singing is out on september 1st in the UK and i was just wondering is anyone else so excited!?!? if you havn't read them then you really should!!!!! i need someone to talk to about them!. add me as a contact if you've read them!!!! thanx x x xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'm thinking of reading them soon, and your question makes me even more excited to do so!!
oh and i was wondering!.!.do they have romance in them!?
and were they better than the mortal instruments series!?
sorry i'm asking you questions on your own question hahWww@QuestionHome@Com