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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do people like to read Twilight because they miss Harry Potter?

Question: Do people like to read Twilight because they miss Harry Potter!?
An odd question, I know, but I've been thinking and many people who like the Twilight Saga are or have been fans of Harry Potter!. Is a reason people like it so much because it's like the next greatest thing after!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally, I haven't bothered reading the Harry Potter books!. I read the first, only because my teacher read it to me in grade 2 when it first came out, and gave up on the rest of them!. They didn't capture my attention!.
However, in saying that, I really don't think you can compare Twilight to Harry Potter!. I know a lot of people do, and I've answered "Twilight" in most of those questions, but I've thought about it and it's wrong to compare the two!.
They're both completely different things!. One focuses on family love, romantic love and vampires!.
The other on spells, witchcraft, and wizardry!.!.!.although some may argue that there is a sense of romance in it!.
I mean, if we were comparing two vampire novels, that would be understandable!. However all we're really doing is comparing two novels which have seemed to hit the big time in publishing and demand numbers!.
So even though I haven't read the Harry Potter series!. No, I don't think that that's why people like to read Twilight!. Because Twilight sheds light on completely different issues!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think alot of HP fans jumped on the Twilight bandwagon as a rebound!. Because even if they don't want to admit it alot of the Twilight fans that were at the midnight release parties a few weeks ago were going to all the Harry Potter book release parties since they were like 9 or 10 years old and now they want to act like they don't like Harry Potter!. Bull!.

I only started reading the Twilight books because so many HP related websites and podcasts were talking about them!.

But like Stephenie Meyer said, everyone is a Harry Potter fan!. So every author shares fans with JKR!. Other authors love the Harry Potter books!. If you don't believe me you can read the 3 page book review Stephen King did in Entertainment Weekly after the 7th book came out!.

and NO Twilight is definitely not the greatest thing after Harry Potter!. I don't think Twilight and the word great even belongs in the same sentence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't really say!. I was thinking of looking into the Twilight series, but I was told that it was on the "hanna Montana" level of pre-teen sentuality!. (ie, "pre-porno" type bubble-gumn sex)!.

People who liked Harry Potter were of a wider, much wider range of age and maturity!. Another good series for the Harry Potter fans would be "The Dark is Rising" series!. For the younger ones who liked Harry Potter, there is an excellent series "Gregor the Overlander"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been a fan of Harry Potter for 10 years and 16 days (I remember the exact day I got it and read it for the first time and have been hooked ever since) so not to be constantly awaiting the next book feels very strange and quite awful!. When the third book came out I was living abroad so I had to wait ages for it to come because I couldn't get in in English there, and I felt like I was dying of impatience! Harry Potter has so much more than Twilight, its plot is so much more deep and complex and developped and Twilight can not even come close! They are at opposite ends of the scale!.

Twilight does not compare to Harry Potter!. In fact, I have read the first three books of the series, because somehow I hoped that somewhere along the way it must get better, but it never did!. Twilight is the most pathetic excuse for a novel I have ever had the misfortune to read and I do not understand it's popularity, because that woman just can't write!. And yes, being a 17 year old girl, I am theoretically, one of her target audience!. The author can not even get her facts right - someone should point out to her that London's sewers were not built until the 19th century!. I know I sound like a ***** but that is what I think of Stephanie Meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think most people picked up the Twilight book because they are fans of the genre, which includes Harry Potter and various other books!. My friend likes Harry Potter, Twilight, and Star Wars - which doesn't automatically mean that she only likes Harry Potter because of Star Wars!.
Basically, what I'm saying is that people who like non-fiction read non-fiction, people who like the writing styles of Meyer and Rowling read that style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People read best sellers because they're best sellers!. An author's first best seller may become a best seller based on merit, but his or her later books will automatically become best sellers not because of demand, but because booksellers anticipate demand!. Best sellers are always discounted at bookstores because there is always the danger of demand not meeting supply, but they always have buyers because they're cheaper than non-best sellers!.

I don't follow trends and "hype" usually makes me tired of something before it's ever available!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Harry Potter, but despise Twilight!. HP was written so well, with deeply developed characters, plot, and emotion!. Twilight has none of that and I don't find them similar at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not, that is not the reason!. I think because both books are fantastic literature!. The people that are fans of HP likes the magic books and twilight is one of those books that make you feel magical!.


Absolutely not!. They like it because of Edward!. And that's a stupid reason, because Edward's cardboard!.

You're talking about two best selling books, here!. Of course there are going to be fans of both series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a Harry Potter freak a leak and i absolutly HATE Twilight!.!.
and its NOT the greatest thing ever @_@Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk harry potter is


It's really not that much like Harry Potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com