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Question: What are some good fiction books for a yr 8!?
like harry potter!.!.!.etc!.

any good interesting books u would recommend a yr7-yr9!.

how long it is doesnt matter!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Twilight saga is really popular!. Personally I really liked the Artemis Fowl series!. But if you're looking for something like Harry Potter there's this new series : The Elements of Lore, which is said to be the "new" Harry Potter!.

For Twilight see:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Twilight_(n!.!.!.
For Artemis Fowl see:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Artemis_Fow!.!.!.
For Elements of Lore see:http://www!.booklore!.co!.uk/PastReviews/Ho!.!.!.

These are just the first books in the series!.

Hope I helped!.

7th - 9th grade or 7 - 9 years old!? I think you mean the first one, so these recommendations are based on that age range:

Eragon series by Paolini
His Dark Materials trilogy by Pullman
Redwall series by Jacques
Artemis Fowl series by Colfer
Lord of the Rings books by Tolkien

Other authors you may enjoy who write a lot of fantasy - Cornelia Funke, Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett, Garth Nix, Ursula LeGuin, and Diana Wynne JonesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Merryl of the Stone (Brian Caswell)

To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee Harper)

Go Ask Alice

Picnic at Hanging Rock (Joan Lindsay)

Requiem for a Princess

Stranger with my Face (Lois Duncan)

Harp in the South series, Playing Beatie Bow & My Sister Sif (Ruth Park)

Angel's Gate (Gary Crew)

The Diary of Anne FrankWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight saga by stephenie meyer
house of night series by pc and kristin cast
vampire academy by richelle mead
guardians of time by marianne curley
the mortal instruments trilogy by cassandra clare

also anything by sarra manning and sarah dessenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you tried the Red Wall series by Brian Jacques!.

This is a huge series of books that are all connected in a way, however you don't have to read all of them!. They usually come in a group of three books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown!. It's great!. i read it in yr 7 and i really liked it!. then there's angels and demons, and in a different series: deception point nd some others!. there gd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely Twilight!!! It has a bit of everything in it!. also It is very popular at the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which Witch!? by Eva Ibbotson is wonderful!. Her other books are great children's books for that age range as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com