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Position:Home>Books & Authors> WHY was Harry Potter so ****ing popular?

Question: WHY was Harry Potter so ****ing popular!?

Why did the majority of the western world become mindlessly OBSESSED with it!? What was so good about it!? What made it better than any other ****load children's fantasy book!? Why the **** did adults read it too!? It was about a ****ing attention-seeking little TWIT who thought the world revolved around HIM!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was and is popular amongst people of all ages because it was a fantasy world that you could immerse yourself in!. It was something that had given kids and interest in reading!. What kid wouldn't want to read about magic, and a place where there were creatures never heard of before!? I got addicted to it and have read all the books, and I am 26yrs old!. If you would read the books you would see that he wasn't seeking attention, the attention came to him, after all he was a target through the whole thing!. "the boy who lived" is what he was known by, because the love his parents had for him saved him from death of an evil wizard!. Wouldn't you want to read something as a child that showed that the love of a parent will protect you!? I sure would!. Maybe you should pick up the book, and read the entire series and see why it became so popular instead of making assumptions that he was an "attention seeking twit who thought the world revolved around him!." he didn't!. Harry was an important part of the wizarding community, not because he wanted to but because of the story of his life!. IF you don't want to read rent the movies, although you will miss a lot of things if you do!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your description doesn't sound too much like the Harry Potter I came to know in the books!.
Perhaps you ought to ****ing read the first one, and pay attention to what you're reading!.
There's a lot more to children's books, fantasy or otherwise, than just ****!.
Adults read and enjoyed the series, despite some of it's flaws, because of the real magic that Jo Rowlings created within the books!. Hard to find in real life, harder to find in fiction!. But it's there!.

Don't cheat yourself by putting down what you don't comprehend!.

Clearly you dont like Harry Potter!. you ask for open minded people to answer, well I hope you open minded enough to take my criticism!. Harry Potter is NOT a twit who thinks the world revolves around him, actually he is a modest young man who attempts to shy away from the attention asserted upon him!. Your opinion of him leaves me with the feeling that you have not read the book!.!.!. I might be wrong! Each to his Own I say!

The reason I think soooo many people love Harry Potter, is becasue it is a complete different world from our own, where we can escape and become part of a different world!
The book is really good, and people love it because of that!.!.!. If you dont like it, then fine, but dont hate others for liking it!.!.!.!.;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, Harry's a bit like that, which is why he's not my favorite character from the books, but the BOOKS THEMSELVES are still good:) I like Luna lol:) And outta the 3 main characters, Ron is my absolute favorite!. You just have to ignore Harry and concentrate on what the plot is trying to tell you, and just have fun reading them!. They ARE good stories, you have to admit, despite Harry being a reckless idiot:) I LOVE those books!. (The seventh one's ending could have been a little better, more tidy lol:) I don't like Harry any more than you do, but I do love the other characters, and the story has both happy bits and sad bits, and romance, a good mixture, which is why I love it:) xxxxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, if you read it, you would know he wasnt at all attention seeking!.

Anyways, it is written with some humor, and has a lot of cleverness in the stories!. It also has a lot of foreshadowing, and it was fun to try and guess what would happen in the next book!.

The movies dont portray the books very well though :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, maybe because that kind of stories are popular in 00's!.
You know, orphans, adventures, some magic etc!.
Like Harry Potter, Series of Unfortunate Events, Ulysses Moore!.!.!.
But I don't really like them!. Only SoUE is good story, because Lemony Snicket has got unique style!.

it seems you obviously have no right to ask this question!.!.

first of all, if you dont like it keep it to yourself unless your famous!.!.
secondly it wont matter what you think cause you are the kind of people that bring horrible morale into this world!. your kind should fall in a hole!.

like the other said!. why do you F***ing care>!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is interesting and it is meant for all ages!. The first three novels are geared more towards children, while four through seven are geared for adults!. This allows two major audiences to be engulfed in the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

J!.K!. Rowling is one of the greatest authors I've read, her books are written with fluency and grace and if you read it it's effortless!. Her description is intricate but doesn't take up too much of the book, it is a perfect balance!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well obviously you do not care for it, so why do you even care!?

Why would anyone be so critical of something that actually gets people to read once in a while, no matter what subject matter it is!?


Because she created a whole new WORLD! with currency, laws, schools etc!. She has the best imagination there is and there is no other book like it!. That's why!. If you want to know more, why don't you read the book yourself!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you give a ****!.
People like him!. Little kids like him!. Even adults like him
Why do you have to sit on ****ing Yahoo ****ing answers and ask dumb ****ing questions!.


i'm with you on this, don't worry i'll stand the correct distance away! I have to confess that i rather liked Harry Pothead and the Philosophers stoned and then eat pizza! xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Whys Twilight classed as one of the greatest books , seesh , it had me in stitches and not in a good way - she killed the forbidden love story Www@QuestionHome@Com

same reason why baseball is so popular!.!.people are crazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

If u don't like it y do u want 2 no!?
Maybe because the books and D!.V!.D's are so ****ing goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

The greatest children's author of all time remains Dr!. Seuss!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

y do u even "****ing"careWww@QuestionHome@Com