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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you relate to Holden Caulfield?

Question: Can you relate to Holden Caulfield!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In ways, yes!. I see his point!.
There's just something about the youngest ones that are just so pure, uncorrupted I guess!. I remember being a kid and walking up to a random person to talk to them, or turning a random object into an imaginative toy!. Once you're past a certain age, you really can't grasp these concepts anymore!. Your brain is just drilled with the supposed way of things, that "this is what this is for, and you aren't supposed to do that with this!." My english teacher says that we all have this little filter in our heads that gradually builds over time; it sorts out our thoughts and actions based on society!. It pretty much just inhibits our creativity!. The best authors and artists are the ones who know how to get around this filter, to see everything being blocked behind it!. As a child, you don't have that filter!. You have nothing to base your filter off of, since you're so young!. That's why I think five year olds are brighter than the average college student!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think I can very much because I do not drink, or do it with prostitutes!. But in one way, Holden Caulfierd can be compared to today's teens because they go through alot while they're growing up!. Like Holden, he gets kicked out of a school, he doesn't do well in school, yet he somehow finds himself and grows up!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, im 1/4 little prince, 1/2 holden caulfield!. i really love him!. its like reading myself!. sometimes i even think that im him!. sturm und drang!. angst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!. I know alot of people that are like him and can identify!.Www@QuestionHome@Com