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Question: Teen Novel about Mermaids!?
No one seems to know what I'm talking about!. I don't recall the name or the author and no book search I've found has come up with anything about it, but I know it was out there !.!.!.somewhere!.!.!.!. I'm wondering if it's no longer being published!. does anyone know an online book search for books that are no longer published!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
! the water mirror by kai meyer is the only book i know of that takes place in venice italy with mermaids!. is that it!?
its a triliogy, book two is called 'the stone light' i've read most of the books above, but i don't think they take place in italy!.!.!. although the watter trilogy is quite good!.
and i dpon't think the books are out of print, b/c i saw a new hard cover in a bookstore in uhta last month!.!.!.then again, it may have sat there for many years!. anyway, i'm sure its 'the water mirror'
Kai MeyersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Are you maybe talking about the seires called Water book one is called Ascension book two is reunion, book three is transformation by kara dalkey I remember reading those books when I was younger, and i still have one of them so thats how i remembered the title i dont know of a website you could search thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can think of these ones!.

The Tide Knot
The Deep
The Crossing of Ingo

A series by Helen Dunmore about mer off the coast of Cornwall

There is also Swimming with the Fishes and Swimming without a Net by MaryJanice Davidson but these are more adult!. About a woman who is a scientist in a sealife centre who turns into a mermaid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you maybe talking about the book "aquamarine" !?
its about a mermaid and its a teen novel!.

or is it the book in which this girl doesnt know she's a mermaid at first and s he freaks out when she finds out!? thats a book too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com