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Question: Reading A Book With Unneeded Adjectives!? =]!?
Does it annoy you when you read a book that has unneeded adjectives!?
like saying "he pulled that pencil out of THIN air"
the word "thin" is not needed in the sentence but its just how we say it in everyday speech so it would seem normal to read!.

haha sorry if this makes absolutely NO sense at all =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No it doesn't really annoy me, but I get what you are saying!. Authors use adjectives to describe a noun but I haven't read a novel where there are an extra amount of unneeded adjectives!. In fact, in french class one year, the teacher made us write a story and he told us to use many adjectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com