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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do you think so many people enjoy the Twilight books?

Question: Why do you think so many people enjoy the Twilight books!?
What is so special about them, and why do you like them so much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've watched these books be stolen from my classroom repeatedly, so I agree that many people like them!. Mostly I see girls read them -often at the rate of one book per day- but I've seen a couple 14-year-old boys (and not the geeky ones) run through them almost as quickly!.

I think that their popularity is due to a number of factors:
1!. The author does a fantastic job of pacing her story!. Twilight is one of the few books I've read where I don't remember it dragging!. I'm always on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next!. The author feeds the reader just enough information to make a prediction, and then the reader pursues verification of that prediction!. If you look, she always ends chapters at a cliffhanger so the reader wants to start the next chapter to find out what happens next!. That's just good writing!.
2!. The vocabulary is easily accessible!. It's written in first person, just as most high school notes (the kind students pass in class) are written!.
3!. The setting is something high school students relate to as well as anyone who has attended high school!.
4!. The supernatural element (vampires and werewolves) is something many of us have seen before, but Meyers puts her own spin on it by explaining things in her own way (e!.g!. Vampires don't die in the sunlight)!. The special powers of Edward, Alice, and apparently Bella make interesting plot elements!. In fact, I thought Meyers painted (wrote!?) herself into a corner having a prognosicator and a mind reader in the same house, but she has dealt with it wonderfully well!.
5!. For readers who can immerse themselves in a story, for adept readers, we feel from Bella's perspective, and what she's feeling is that wonderful euphoria one feels when one falls in love!. What better drug is there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've only read the first two, and I have no intentions of continuing with the series!.

I enjoyed Twilight because it had interesting content, and I was intrigued by Edward's internal struggle!. I hated New Moon, because after a certain point, Bella just became obnoxious and surrounded by hot dudes that she is torn between!. I'm not interested in reading about fickle teenagers anymore!.

People like the series because the books are, in a broad sense, entertaining and easy to follow!. also, there are plenty of people having Harry Potter-withdrawals that are getting their fantasy-fix by reading them!.!.!.!.


Why do I enjoy Twilight!? I've always been a huge fan of vampires, but I think the reason I love the books so much is because I see Bella as me!. She's an easy character to relate to!. The way she thinks and sees the world, I just get that!. And she falls in love with a vampire, how cool is that!? So I guess in a way I live vicariously through her!.
Edward, yes he is gorgeous and a fictional character, but I love the fact that even though he actually is superior to humans in many ways, he doesn't necessarily think that!. He agonizes over things and he has so much inner turmoil!. That's attractive in a way!.
Hmm!.!. what else!? The vampires here aren't like in other stories or books!.
It's a love story and a great one!.
Does that help!?

They are a nice escape from reality!. They like the love story--since it is about vampires, it could never REALLY happen, but it is nice to suspend reality and pretend for a while (though I worry about the girls who say they can't date anyone because he is not Edward--they forgot to come back to reality)!.

And for the answerer who said that Meyer set the women's rights movement back 100 years--all Stephenie Meyer did is write a book!. If some women want that in a man, that is NOT her fault!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are very well written!. I have friends that read them again and again!. I read the first one, and even though I really disagreed with the content, it was very hard to stop reading!. Which is hard to believe!. To me they were scary, but then again I'm not much of a fan for scary things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't!.!.!.but I think Sex and the City had a whole episode about this!. A lot of women just want to be rescued!. It's the classic Cinderella story retold!. Meyer successfully set the women's rights movement back a hundred years!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because when it starts getting dark outside then the book is more and it can be mysterious you don't know what can happen it adds a level of suspense to the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

sexy vampires! lol no they are thrilling books with the right hint of romance, excitement and danger!. and it has fantasy mixed in with reality!. its the absolute perfect mix!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never read them but in class, a girl said that they were addictive!. She also said that they weren't really about vampires, just about romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're wish-fulfillment!. Girls with crappy lives like to pretend they're Bella!.

Evidence: see answer below mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of Edward!. And it's a romance every girl could ever dream ofWww@QuestionHome@Com

well first off they're totally amazing!.
if you read them, you'd find that out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com