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Question: Anyone know how to continue this story!? !?

He felt as if someone's eyes were bearing down on him, like lasers burning the floor beside his feet!.
As he walked slowly, pacing himself, the wind started to blow harder, and harder lifting the sand up, and blowing it against his legs!.
Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him, soft and faint!.
He didn't dare turn round, incase he saw something he wished he'd never saw!.
The noise kept getting loader!. He was so tempted to turn around, but he knew he couldn't!.
He started walking a little bit faster, untill soon, he was jogging, no running down the beach!.
The sound kept following him, he stopped to catch his breath, and as he looked up, he saw an old lady sitting by a rock about half a mile away!. She didn't seem to be moving!.
"Hello!" He shouted!.
The old lady didn't even look up!.
At this point he was starting to get worried!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.He started running towards the old lady, shouting for a third time "Hello!"!.
Again no answer, and no sign of life from the old lady!. The sound he was hearing before seemed to be moving even closer!. He was starting to tremble now, moving forward, towards the old lady and trying to run away from the terrible noise behind him!. But it wasn't working!. With every step he took, the old lady seemed three more steps away and the noise was getting louder and louder!. "It's hopeless!.", he thought to himself!. He decided to turn around but kept his closed in the fear of what he was about to see!. And then, gaining the courage he so desperately needed, he opened his eyes!.

And he saw it!.
He saw what the noise was coming from and it was beyond his imagination of what he was thinking it could be!.He saw himself!.

But how could this be possible!? Seeing yourself only happens when looking into a reflection!. But this was beyond a reflection, for it didn't copy anything he was doing!. Even though it had the same puzzled look
he did it seemed to have a mind of it's own, moving and looking and shaking it's head in disbelief, when He was only staring!. He decided to go and touch his "reflection" when it started to move backwards and then vanish, leaving a thousand sand particles to fall on to the ground!.

"This is impossible", he said to himself!. He turned around to check if the old lady was still sitting on that rock, only to see that she was much farther away than he remembered her being before and that she was still moving away, along with the rest of the world!. Everything around him was abandoning him, leaving him with nothing!. The world was moving away, faster and faster and then, it was gone, leaving him to stare into pure blackness!. And as he looked at his feet, the surface that was holding them vanished, and he began to fall!.

Deeper and deeper and deeper into the black hole, gaining speed as he went!. After what seemed like hours of falling he could finally see a slant of light, becoming brighter and larger as he fell!. And a when it became clear enough to see what it was, he realized that he was about to fall onto a white floor!. Now he was falling at what seemed like lightspeed and just before he was to hit the ground, and see his life end before him, he closed his eyes!. And when he opened them again he found himself lying in his bed and sweating!. "It was all just a dream", he said to himself, thankful that he was to see another day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wondered what she was doing there, and why she couldnt hear him!.
The noise was so close now, less than a metre away!. He dare not to turn around!.
Running towards the old lady he heard the noise fading into the distance getting quieter and quieter!. Still he did not turn around to see what was there, neither did he slow down until he reached the old lady by the rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was she even alive !?There was something familiar about this woman ,something that spoke to his inter most being he somehow knew this woman was she a phantom!? would she fade away as he drew closer did he even dare to approach her!? he made faltering steps towards her she looked up and gazed into his eyes then he knew she was a part of him her sad eyes suddenly lit up and he thought "My God I know you!'' and like a little child he ran to her and dropped to his knees tears streaming down his face "I KNOW YOU" "please say you know me! the woman smiled and gently carressed his head !.!."Yes she whispered yes how could I not!?Now you finish "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Somehow this situatuion doesn't make sense, he thought, am I sure I'm not dreaming!? He pinched himself in the side!. OUCH! I guess i'm not dreaming, but something is sure strange!. Before he could finish his thoughts on this, he felt something like a breath on the back of his neck!. "W-w-w-who-who's there!?" he squeaked, half hoping no one would answer!.

"Wooooah!" the voice behind him was low, more of a moan than someone speaking!.

Was that the wind, my imagination, someone back there!? his mind raced!. Certain he was about to go insane, he began to run toward the old lady!. "Old lady! Old lady!" he called out, "Lady please help me! There's someone or something chasing me!" He was out of breath as he approached her!.

Suddenly she looked up and smiled a half toothless smile at him!. "What's the matter, young man!?" she half cackled, "The Grebbish getting the best of you!?" She reached into a shopping bag by her side and pulled out !.!.!.!.

You can pick up from there!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly, line 7, "louder," not "loader!." I also think that you should have question marks on the ends of your "Hello!" 's because they are asking the lady what she wants!. It is also possible that you are using too many commas and sentence breaks!. I know that you may be doing this for the effect, which is all good, but you could perhaps merge it just a little!.

I am a little confused as to why he is running!. Is he running away from something, or someone, or is he running towards the old lady, or both!?
And what is he worried about!? Or is that for me to give you!?

I think that he should get closer to the old lady to see what is happening!. Then, when he gets closer, some trouble forms, or he sees that she is in serious trouble!. He could get mugged, or he could save the old lady, or it could be too late to save her, that is up to you!.

Another nice continuation, which I like, is that this man continues running, goes home and tries to forget the incident ever happened, but then later (maybe even later in life) he is reminded of the incident!. He goes back to the place where it occurred just to remind himself and to have a look around!. But when he reaches the place where the old lady was sitting, he finds something!.

Depending on how long the story is, I wouldn't make the plot too complicated, but I like the way that you have used suspense and created a mood that keeps the ready enticed and waiting for what happens next!. You are on to something there, perhaps add my idea and continue your story that way, but definitely keep writing with the same mood and atmosphere!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He decided to go to her!. As he got closer she got younger , he though!. At that moment he decided to have sex with the old lad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com