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Question: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor- the Alice series!?
What are the order of the books please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.Agony of Alice
2!.Alice in Rapture
3!.Reluctantly Alice
4!.All but Alice
5!.Alice in April
6!.Alice In-Between
7!.Alice the Brave
8!.Alice in Lace
9!.Outrageously Alice
10!.Achingly Alice
11!.Alice on the Outside
12!.The Grooming of Alice
13!.Alice Alone
14!.Simply Alice
15!.Patiently Alice
16!.Including Alice
17!.Alice on Her Way
18!.Alice in the Know
19!.Dangerously Alice
20!.Almost Alice

21!.Alice Undecided(to be released 2009)