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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you read "My Sister's Keeper"?

Question: Have you read "My Sister's Keeper"!?
What do you think of it!?
I think it's such a nice sad and sweet book!.

And there's a movie coming out in 2009 - I hope - based on the book!. I think/hope it will be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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about the book - woah!. so amazing and so beautiful!. i think the word to describe it would be "bittersweet!." i think the end was so unexpected even though in a way you could have been expecting it the whole time!.

about the movie- yeah, the movie is coming out next year!. but i'm a little worried about having cameron diaz be anna and kates mom!. just because their mom in the book is so distraught and seems aged to me i don't know if she can relate to her at all!. but i hope she'll be able to pull it off!

here's the movie cast =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it and was very excited to hear it was being made into a movie - until I saw that Cameron Diaz would be playing the part of the mother!. I can't possibly imagine her doing a good job as the mother of a terminally ill daughter!.

Anyway, I loved the book very much!. I thought it was amazing & powerful and I laughed and cried throughout the story!. It is my favorite book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes its one of my favs actaully the ending surprised me quite a bit because she died and she wasn't the the one who was supposed!. well atleast campbell found his love again and the seizure dog i couldn't believe it!.!.it was quite exciting- you don't hear 13 years olds suing there parents often!.Www@QuestionHome@Com