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Question: What is the romantic period!?
I have a question for house of the seven gables, and it asks, "Is this novel a good representative of aspects synonymous with the Romantic Period!?"

What do they mean!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Romanticism is the defying response to the Age of Enlightenment, during which technology and science became the main focus!.

While The Enlightenment focused on groups and unity, Romanticism brought the focus back to the Individual, to nature, and to emotions!. They also found the supernatural extremely interesting!.

It started in the mid-late 1700s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are asking if the writing, subject matter, and tone of the book indicative of the Romantic Period!. Does his style of writing match what they consider that of a Romantic Period writer!? How are his characters developed in that style!? What is the theme of the book and how is it in relation to other works done during the Romantic Period!?

Seriously- go here and read this from wiki!.!.!.
That should help you out!. Just don't use it as a source!.
The Romantic Period is similar to our modern day Emo movement!. Www@QuestionHome@Com