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Position:Home>Books & Authors> James Frey.................?

Question: James Frey!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
Anyone here read his books!? I know a lot of you have read Million Little Pieces, which was proved to be almost completely fiction and he got a bad reputation!.!. but I like him!. you can call him a lot of things!.!.!. but not boring!. he got another chance to write another book and he wrote "Bright Shiny Morning" anyone read it!?!? I'm thinking of buying it!.!.!. but I wanted to get some opinions real quick!.
and if you have any other recommendations by him or an author similar to him then that would be cool too!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not a huge James Frey fan, sorry!. It had nothing to do with him fictionalizing his memoirs, a great many authors do that!. Hell, Bob Kane (a COcreater of Batman) did it often, But I do know a book that's similar to "A Million Pieces!."

"Night of the Gun" by James Carr
It's getting a lot of positive reviews right now!. A reporter looks back at the darkest moments of his life (drugs, alcohol, guns, abusing others - you get the idea) and interviews people who knew him then!. He tries not to put in too many of his own memories or thoughts (as they were shaky, at best) and tries to get to the root of what he was really like!. I think I explained it pretty well, but you can Google more about it if you'd like!.

Hope I helped a bit! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com