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Question: Edward Cullen!? easy 10 points!?
well i find edward to be an all around perfect guy/vampire
and i was just wondering whats a list of ur favorite things about him!?
also how would you find a guy just like him!? like the qualities!?
[minus the vampire part of course]
thanxx <33Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love how protective he is!. Maybe that would get kind of annoying haha but I like a guy that can make me feel safe!.

And ummm he is friggen hot!!!! Yeah, I'd love to have a bf that looks like a model!. Not to sound shallow!. But what girl wouldnt!?

He's an old fashioned gentleman :)

And you can just tell how sincere he is about how much the people he loves mean to him!.

Haha I can't believe I got all that out of a fictional character!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

***************** Edward is a real gentleman and would never do anything to hurt or upset Bella!. That would mean he truly loves her!. He understands her descisions and does not force her to choose between him and Jacob!. He is always thinking about her and spends almost every second with Bella!. As he said in Eclipse he was the kind of guy who would get downs on his knees and ask to be her(Bella) to be his for eternity and to be his wife!. He does everything he an do to keep her human and to do normal human stuff like going to college because he know once he changes her there is no going back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

His pale skin
Protects his Love Bella(saves her life so many times) whatta hearo!
Sparkles in the sunlight :)
His crooked smile :)
His topaz eyesss (so hott)
Doesnt prey on humans
Bronze Hair <3
Virgin (well not anymore lol!.)
Sexy and Very Sweeet
Extremely smart
Has the gift to read minds
immortal & all
Sticks w/ his family, so he is VERY LOYAL!.

about your last question!.!.gosh, if I found a guy with all these qualities, i'd died and gone to heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I may not be giving the male gender a fair shot, but frankly I don't think that any guy could match up to Edward Cullen!. Then again, there is always an Edward out there for everybody!. You just gotta stop trying to find him, and eventually when you least expect it, there he'll be!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

he's not a giant ***
And he seems real, even if he's not!. He is kind and chivalrous and somebody I would enjoy being around!. Every time I read the books, he gives ME butterflies!. And he leaves for her, to protect her from him, from any dangers he might bring!. It is sweet and romantic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward is perfect! No human guy is that perfect, which is why everyone loves him so much!.

He is sweet and nice!.
He is polite (unlike most guys lol)
He is protective and caring of Bella!.

Hope this helps :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

If there was a formula for finding a specific type of guy, then we would all have our perfect boys!.
So the "how would you find a guy just like him" part of your question makes NO!. SENSE!.

he has no personality!. at all!.
i dont get why everyone is infatuated with a fictional character who is dull and has no personality!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's a gentlemen
He takes care of Bella
He's loving and caring
He can read minds
He's hott ;]
He's smart
He's got a nice family

It's a shame that he's just a character IN A BOOK
not real life!.!. hmmWww@QuestionHome@Com


****!!!.!. he's super h0t!!. nobody can get to his level!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com