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Question: Writing a real life story book on virginity!?
This book will put the record straight against a movie like the 40 year old virgin!. I think it will cause alot of controversy, but it will be a unique book in that it will show the many temptations along the way!. It will be about having pride in your virginity and looking at it as a good thing and not a circus act freak (the way society usually portrays us)!.It will be an online book at first then go to paperback or hard copy later!. Do you guys think this has a chance to make some noise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you have guts, I respect you for thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you watch The 40 Year Old Virgin you'll see the movie isn't really about his virginity, it just uses his virginity as a vehicle to comment on other themes like the importance of love and the materialistic nature of society!.
Just writing about virginity isn't enough, and while it can be a useful plot driver it would be important for you to find an overarching message!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It won't make some noise or strike a contraversy!. I'm sorry!. If you realize that today's world is all about the immoral and unethical that get media attention!.

But!.!.!. if it is a good read, it might get attention in the literate world (world where reading books is important!!!!)!. Actually, if it'll be online, please do send me the website or something I would like to read it!. aya!.november@yahoo!.ca

Thanks and good luck!. PS> You are very honerable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, it would mostly appeal to a very small sector of readership!. Making noise!? It depends on what "making noise" means to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com