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Question: Harry Potter Wand Lore!?
I feel like a horrible fan for resorting to this but my kids won't let me search for the answer!. I seem to remember there being a specific term for the reason that Voldemort and Harry's wands won't allow them to dual each other!. I know this is horrible because I should know this but any HP fans out there please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
priori incantatem is what it is!. the two wands that share the same core recognize that they are brothers and refuse to duel each other!. but their masters can force them to and the wand that wins would make it's brother show the spells it cast in reverse order!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

its called priori incantatem, and it happens with wands that share cores, but it doesnt exactly stop them from dueling, from what i understood!. its explained more in the 36th chapter of the fourth book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol, (um, I mean sorry) don't feel bad!.

The reason why Voldemort and Harry couldn't face each other in a duel (before Deathly Hallows) is that because their wands shared the same core (Phoenix feather)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The term is "brother" wands!.!.!.!.because they share the same cores aka Fawkes's tail featherWww@QuestionHome@Com