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Position:Home>Books & Authors> HELP! For those who saw the Notebook Movie and read the book!?

Question: HELP! For those who saw the Notebook Movie and read the book!!?
i watched and read them!. but for summer reading my teacher wants to know what scenes from the book werent in the movie!? please help me im desperate for anything!. all stars to the best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well for one!. in the book she read both the first and last letter from noah!. in the movie she only read the first!.

also the presentation of the letters was different!.!. remember in the movie!. the mother showed allie her first love!. in the book she didnt do that she came into the house while noah and allie were making lunch and handed them to herWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do your own homework!.

I will correct the answerer above me though, so if you decide to cheat off of that answer you don't get it wrong!. In the movie, she only reads the LAST letter, not the first!.

also, if you did in fact read the book and watch the movie, you should know the glaring difference in the endings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com