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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why does Pax-C answer alot of Twilight questions if she supposedly hates the boo

Question: Why does Pax-C answer alot of Twilight questions if she supposedly hates the books!?
It's nothing against ms!. Pax-c, I'm just wondering why she answers alot of questions about the Twilight Books when she says she hates them and such!?
(I'm not a Twilight fan or a Twilight hater!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know Ms!. Hellecat from another site, and she knows whereof she speaks!. The books are not especially well-written, and therefore don't merit being the huge hits they've become!.

Unlike other wildly popular book series, these won't have lasting value!. In a few years, the ardent fans will cringe at the recognition of predictable story, trite character, and so on!. (Heads up, Jonas Brothers fans--you'll do the same when you get into better music!.)

I understand that personal experience has also led Ms!. Hellecat to denounce one underlying theme in the series, equating control with romance!. There's nothing romantic about being controlled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Out of curiousity!?!? if you're not a Twilight fan then how do you know Pax-C answers alot of Twilight questions!?!?

But the books aren't my favorites, but I still answer alot of Twilight questions because they basically dominate the book/authors section!. And I think it's always good to have negative/positive opinions instead of just answers from the 13 year old girls who think the books are AWESOME and are the BEST books ever written like EVER!! :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know -- I think that she's frustrated with all the hype the series has gotten for what she considers third-rate books!.

She hasn't figured out that there's a new craze every year -- this year, it's "Twilight" -- next year, it will be something different!. No sense in getting torqued about it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

If a book or a series that is wildly popular with adolescent girls is sending what someone believes to be questionable messages to that specific age group, then that person might feel he/she has an obligation to make his/her objections to the series known, espcecially when there are so many questions that relate to that particular series on a given forum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because she's nice and she wants to deliver these poor fangirls from their addiction!. Why do you think us Twi-haters endure such things!? Be happy that she does!. She's a inspiration to Y!A!. I also think it's good to have people arguing the other side when people who don't know about the series ask for it!. I mean, this is a forum!. It's a bit annoying to just have fangirls screaming - I love it!!! And to Kat Cullen - just what does she have to be jealous of!? Specifically!? A cheesy romance!?

Because she wants teenagers to see the light!. And were no other questions to answer anyways!.

To Kat Cullen - Jealous!? Really!? Wow you're dim-witted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe she just wants to make it known that she hates the books, OR she's jealous!.!.!.if that makes sense!.!.!.


Hmm!. She probably just finds them ammusing!.

This Pax-C perosn might take offense to your question, thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com