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Question: Question about navigating this site!?
when i finish answering a question, my only option is a next question!. if i want to return to the page of questions i was looking at, i have to either use my "back" button several times (through all the stages of answering) or go to the 'books/authors" heading at the top & then choose the page i was on from the bottom!.

is there an easier way to return to the page of questions i was on when i answered!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What I do is to have the list of questions open on one tab, then I click the link for a question with the middle mouse button
(scroll wheel)!. This opens the question in a new tab!. When I am done with that question, I simply close the tab, and am right back at at all the questions I was looking at!. Very simple!.

However, if your mouse doesn't have a middle mouse button that works this way, you would have to right click on the link to the question and select "Open in new tab"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Normally when I answer a question on YA in the Books & Authors section, it returns to the question I was answering!. I then click the 'Books and Authors' heading at the top!.

But there is no way to return to the SAME page!. It always goes to the first page!.

Try clicking 'Show me Another' or go to the bottom!. There are different choices there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com