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Question: In my American Authors class !.!.!.!?
we were assigned a project!. We're supposed to find a novel to read!. It has to be by an American Author and can't be one that was made into a movie (if it is, the release date of the movie has to be AFTER the due date)

Can someone give me any ideas!? I was hoping for more of a classic, but a newer book would be cool too!. I might end up re-reading something I don't quite remember!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are considering classics, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Washington Irving) is poetically gothic!.

I actually enjoyed reading The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) even though I may be in the minority!

The Great Gatsby (F Scott Fitzgerald) is set in the "flapper" era of the roaring 20's, and is more contemporary than the two above, so if you need an easier (and quicker) read, that may be the way to go!.

And J!.D!. Salinger wrote other books, Franny and Zoey come to mind!. It is similar to theme and setting as Catcher in the Rye!.

Thoreau's Walden and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass may be harder to understand unless you are really interested in reading the ideas of free thinkers and radicals (gotta love that)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Catcher in the Rye by J!.D!. Salinger

This is one of the most entertaining novels of the 20th century, has never been made into a film, and everyone knows the name of the main character!. The book has influenced countless other characters in film and literature!. It's done a great deal to change the way people think about being a teenager!.


These might be too recent to be considered classics by your teacher, but run these titles passed him to see if any will work!. Most are at least 20 years old and some are much older!.

Tony Hillerman's "The Ghostway" and "Fly On The Wall" are both good mysteries!.

Robert Heinlein's "Stranger In A Strange Land" or "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" are both complex and interesting for science fiction tales; but I would go with 'Mistress' over 'Stranger!.'


You could try one of these:

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter ~ Carson McCullers
Other Voices, Other Rooms ~ Truman Capote
Barn Blind ~ Jane Smiley
A Death In the Family ~ James Agee
Dinner At the Homesick Restaurant ~ Anne Tyler
Main Street or Babbitt ~ Sinclair Lewis
The Bean Trees ~ Barbara Kingsolver
The Wayward Bus ~ John Steinbeck

I hope something here works for you!. Good luck, and enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest you read Thirteen Reasons Why!. Written by American author Jay Asher!. And, you could also read The Host!. A great story!. Written by Stephenie Meyer!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say if you like fantasy, try Confession of an ugly stepsister; by Gregory Maguire!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try 'A Fan's Notes' by Frederick Exley!. It's funny and sad at the same time!. I don't think they made a movie out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mark twain
ernest hemingway -hardest(in my opinion)
salinger- easiest to understan
jack london

you could read twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com