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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know the plot to this book?

Question: Does anyone know the plot to this book!?
The book is called "And Then There Were None" by Agatha ChristieWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a very detailed description of "And Then There Were None" at Wikipedia
"The novel takes place on an island off the coast of Devon in 1930s England, where eight people of different social classes journey to the Soldier Island mansion, having been invited there by a Mr!. and Mrs!. U!.N!. Owen!. Upon arriving, they are told by the butler and his wife, Thomas and Ethel Rogers, that their hosts are currently away!. Each guest finds in his room a slightly odd bit of bric-a-brac and a framed copy of the nursery rhyme "Ten Little Soldiers Boys" ("Ten Little *******" in the original 1939 UK publication and "Ten Little Indians" in the 1940 US publication) hanging on the wall:!.!.!."

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I am so sick of lazy high schoolers trying to pimp off their homework on Yahoo Answers because they couldn't take time out of their precious lives to learn a little responsibility!. Read the book!. You will find the plot in the pages!. As far as a free audiobook!.!.!.that is ILLEGAL!.

Maybe failing this assignment will motivate some responsibility from you in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com