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Question: Should I read this!?!?!?
My mom recently bought me a book to read!. It's called The Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz!. I'm not sure whether to read it or not!. For people who have read or heard of it, is it good and should I read it!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That depends on many things!.

One: Do you enjoy vampires at all!?
--The book is about a very exclusive vampric society, where only the utmost wealthy of new york are a part of it!. Even if you are not into vampires, it's a very different spin off of an original idea!.

Two: Do you mind changing POV's!?
--The book has several characters whose voices tell the story!. For the majority of the time it is told from Skyler's pov, but there are times when Mimi (the nemesis) is speaking, etc!.

Three: Do you want to get started on a new series!?
--- Blue Bloods is the first of a large series by Melissa De La Cruz!. After Blue Bloods, there is Masquerade, and Revelations is due soon!. However, Cruz has planned it out to be about 9 books long, so there is going to be a wait!.

Four: Do you like cliff hangers!?
--- Both books in the series that have been published leave off on cliff hangers!. Big ones!. Of course they were/will be resolved in the next book, there is always going to be time to wait before you know!. It's a good and bad thing, depends on how you look at it!.

Five: Do you enjoy clothes!?
--- I ask, becuase Cruz is a girly author!. The only reason I think she started this series, since it is so unlike her other books, is because she gets to delve einto high class!. You get a lot of details about clothes and how the high class live!. At times it can get frustrating, but the story line makes up for some of the annoying chatter of high class life


Six: Will you listen to my opinion!?
-- If so, then you will read it, because I LOVE this series!. ;D

Good luck!. The books are sort of an acquired taste, but many people are fans!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never heard of it but you might as well start reading it and see if you like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya it's good!.You should read it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ooh, I love that!.
You should read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it's very good!.
It's one of my favorite books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com