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Question: Setting for a story!?
Where can my story take place (State/City)!?

Not New York or California!. That's not too original!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I like small towns, but your the setting has to become one of a part of your story!. So i couldn't really tell you!.

Your setting needs to have certain specifications that relate to your story!.

Like if your character, is living in some town that's cold, and she hates the cold, (some random story plot sorry its weird) you wouldn't have her be living in Arizona right!?

So if you wanted to find a setting i would suggest doing this!.

#1: Find any setting hints that you may have subconsciously put into the story (ex!. I put on my thick jacket!. I had shorts and a short sleeve shirt!. etc!.)

#2: Think of where those hints lead to!. (Winter jacket- colder city, Warm weather clothes- warm city)

#3: Once you have that stuff figured out, then you come and ask us, because if it was a colder city, not new york, that you would have to wear a thick jacket!. i would automatically say: Madawaska, Maine) It makes it a lot easier to pick a location than anywhere in the us!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what your story is about, and how much you know about the places you want to write about!. At least there are maps available online to get some details right, depending on how much you want to research!. Some ideas:

Chicago!. Big city, cool lakeside, tallest building in the USA, major airport!. traffic hub for rail, autos, and shipping!.

Baltimore, Md!. Right along the middle of the eastern seaboard, bigtime seaport, near D!.C!., lots of history to it!.

Pittsburg, Pa!. In the western part of Pa!. you have major rivers meeting there, history of steel industry, and cool scenery!.

Miami Fla!. think Miami Vice, if you're old enough to remember seeing the show!. Lots of water, lots of hispanic culture, hardly ever gets cold!.

New Orleans!. Gives you a backdrop of a city still trying to recover and regain its former population and vitality!. the whole jazz atmosphere, with an added touch of the history of the state, especially politically!.

Des Moines!. Ok, I've only driven through the town and spent a night there!. Still, nice midwestern city seemingly in the middle of nowhere!.

Decide what your story needs, climate wise, and choose from a city that matches that climate!. If you need a lot of rain, Phoenix is NOT the city for you!. Ice storms, Fargo is a possibility!. But there are plenty of cities out there, so good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In some weird place in the house, like the inside of an outlet or inside a door knob!.
Maybe fleas on a dog or cat!.
Maybe it could be on the letters you type on your computer!. You could be writing the story, and everything takes place on the letters you're typing!. That could mean they have obstacles of going over the "t" the "h" and the "e" or it could just mean they live in your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree with Befuddled!.!.!. having someone else pick your location isn't too original either!. But, for the heck of it!.!.!.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (with an h! I hate how it's always misspelled!.!.!.)!.
!.!.!.Because it's one of my favorite cities, the closest big city to my hometown, home to my favorite hockey team, and (hopefully) the city in which I will be attending college!. So if you use Pittsburgh, your story better be good!. =)

Alternatively, you could try Washington, D!.C!. or Baltimore, MD!. If you're looking for a smaller town, Ocean Pines, MD is a great place!. Near the beach, too!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Northern VA!? Pick a city or make one up!.
I live there!. It's a good area!. Good schools, good music scene and a lot of things to do!. Many government people live here considering how close it is to D!.C!. I live near the Potomac River and many people sail!.

You can pick a state and make up a city!. Pick a place you're familiar with or one you can do research on, so that you're not off on your facts!.

Good luck! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't even know what your story is about!. Depending on your story you could be looking for a dense population or a small town!. Are you looking for sunny weather, rain, snow, hot, cold!.!.!.!.!.you get the point!.


Let's see!. How about somewhere small like Mayflower, Arkansas!.
Or Charlotte, North Caroline!.
Maybe even Reno, Nevada!.
Or even better, Denver Colorado!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not very original to have someone else pick the setting for you either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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