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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What would be some good possible plot lines for my story?

Question: What would be some good possible plot lines for my story!?
I'm trying to work on a story (not sure of the length yet) about a boy-somewhere between 11 and 13-that either lives in the country, moves to the country, or visits relatives in the country!. I'm having trouble coming up with a good plot line(s), surrounding this situation!.

I have considered the possibility of the boy and his mother (family) running a country inn; or having a Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn feel to it (but not duplicating either book); or the boy's family restoring a farm, that belonged to his grandparents; etc!.

If anyone has any other possible ideas for a storyline, as well as any other elements that I might want to consider having in my story, please list them!.

Thank you!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An author has to come up with their own material, otherwise things just dont work, but if u want some quick ideas to brainstorm off of, here u go:

- hunting for treasure
- to escape from someone who means them harm (an abusive father!?)
- to discover the secrets of his family

there u go!. Good luck with it! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok ok ok make freaky stuff start happening like strange people hanging around and all that horror stuff! you know them with knives and frozen bodies and disapearences but the people turn up later dead!Www@QuestionHome@Com