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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can anyone suggest some new authors?

Question: Can anyone suggest some new authors!?
Im looking for new authors who are like Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Tanya Huff, Susan Sizemore and Laurell K Hamilton!.

Love anything to do with vampires, shapeshifters paranormal romance!.

Please no Twilighters as I have read them and thought they were OK, not fantastic just OK!.

Can Anyone help suggest new authors!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You might try the following:

Linda Lael Miller
Kimberly Harrison
J!.D!. Robb (Not vampire, but suspense/romance/futuristic)
Mary Janice Davidson
Christina Dodd
Brenda Joyce
Kelly Armstrong
Amanda Ashley (One of the first to open this genre type)
Alice Borchardt (was sister of Anne Rice)
Heather Graham

Karen Syed

Try some of these:

Neil Gaiman is an amazing author! Any of his books are good!. Try Neverwhere or Stardust first!.

Any books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes are amazing! There is In The Forest of The Night, Demon In My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator!. And then there is the The Kiesha'ra series: Hawksong, Snakecharm, Falcondance, Wolfcry and Wyverhail!.

The Abhorsen Trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) by Garth Nix

The Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill

The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding

The Sight and Fell by David Clement-DaviesWww@QuestionHome@Com

waywalkers by catherine webb!. its a fantasy book, so very paranormal, filled with magic and gods!. i thought it was very cool, and an amazing book!. READ IT!!!

stardust by neil gaiman!. its a book about magic and fallen stars and unicorns - lots of fantasy and magic in there!. it was a sweet story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you tried Kelley Armstrong!? Her series of books is quite good, it starts with Bitten

also the 'Undead' series by Maryjanice Davidson, Undead and Unwed is the first book in the series

You might enjoy the works of Clive Barker!. While not really about vampires, his stories tend to be rather dark, and really good! He also illustrated his own stories, and his artwork is fantastic!. Try "The Thief Of Always"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

P!. N!. Elrod, Nancy Collins, Charlene Harris - all do vampires, all interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Darren Shan
Mervyn Peake
Angie Sage
Susannah ClarkeWww@QuestionHome@Com

darren shan he is my favorite vampire author

read the cirque du freak series its awesomeWww@QuestionHome@Com