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Position:Home>Books & Authors> ATTENTION TWILIGHT FANS!! Sequence in breaking dawn doesn't make sense to me

Question: ATTENTION TWILIGHT FANS!! Sequence in breaking dawn doesn't make sense to me!. What do you think!? (SPOILERS!)!?
In Breaking Dawn, Edward and Bella do the deed and she is impregnated, with a baby named Renesmee, who is part vampire!. My question is: how is this possible, if Edward's body is permanently "stopped"!? That would mean that he couldn't have children the good old fashion way that we humans do!. How did this work!? Or was it just Stephenie Meyerss' flaw in writing the ending novel of this Saga!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's yet another case of Meyer taking logic and beating the crap out of it!.

Some quick facts:

1!. Sperm dies within three days, in or out of the body!.

Quick note - sperm are effectively reabsorbed into the body after three days, they don't just sit around building up!. Additionally, their lifespan is only about 6 hours outside of the body, but if they're ejaculated into a female, the lifespan can increase anywhere to 1-7 days, but the average is 3!. It takes 64-75 days for sperm to be made inside the male's testes!. Temperature is also affects the lifespan, which is why they're stored in the testes (which allow for a little temperature control)!. Too cold - they die!. Too hot - they die!.

So unless Edward's body actually IS frozen, i!.e!. below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, his last remaining human sperm are long gone!.

2!. Edward's body was supposedly 'frozen' in time; that indicates that his sperm were still human (rendering Nessie's existence as a half-vamp even more inexplicable)!.

3!. If Edward's innards are frozen, then there is no movement!. That means no blood rushing to engorge the penis and no sperm and seminal fluid flowing to create semen!. That means that IF Edward can perform sex, he would experience a dry ejaculation and therefore, his partner would not come into contact with any sperm (viable or not)!.

4!. Meyer fails at biology!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a problem that a lot of fans have with "Breaking Dawn" -- usually, in fantasy, authors stay true to the world that they create!. In this case, Stephenie Meyer seems to have broken with the world that she had created -- i!.e!., no bodily functions -- in order to create a pregnancy!. When an author does that, it confuses fans, who feel that they have a good grip on the world that the author has created for them!. It makes the reader begin to re-evaluate what is 'real' and what is 'not real' in the fantasy world, which is something that an author of a fantasy book shouldn't want their reader doing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, to squish the argument that he has no blood to engorge his penis--he is described as being like stone, so the getting hard part should never be an issue!.

As far as how she got pregnant, Stephenie Meyer has said that, in her mind, the venom could do all sorts of things, pregnancy included (if you remember, venom is the only fluid he has now)!.

And as far as him not having children the "good old fashioned way that we humans do", you are right-it does not biologically work the same way as humans!. But you have to remember that he is not human--or real for that matter!. How is it that nobody has an issue reading about a vampire family that drinks animal blood and has members who can read minds, see the future and control emotions, but when one of them spawns a child all hell breaks loose!!?

This is a work of fiction, people, and as such it is Stephenie Meyer's prerogative to write it how she will!. It was not a continuity thing either, as she only said that FEMALE vampires could not have babies, not males!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats not true!. men carry sperm all throughout their lives and they body dosnt need to be 'moving' for him to have sperm!. he had it when he was turned into a vampire so he can have a baby with a human cause ONLY the womens body needs to be moving (because the eggs in the womens body) but thats why alice esme and rosalie said they cant have babies and since edward never even THOUGHT about having sex or a baby with bella he didnt know it could happen and bella didnt think so eithr cause rosalie and alice and esme said that they cant have babies and so bella atuomatically assumed that the man vampires body couldnt reproduceWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is the main argument!.
Though Stephenie never said vampires can't have babies!. She explained that all of the female stuff does and that they can't get pregnant and people jumped to the conclusion that males can't either!. But truly if you really get into anatomy Edward would need some blood to get her pregnant!. So maybe he was able to do his stuff with animal blood, and then the rest he still had!. Sorry I would make that more clear, but I'd rather not!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is only impossible if both man and woman are a vampire!. Since Bella was still human, her body was able to change!. Edwar's pulse may not beat, but he is still able to produce children!. As long as the woman's body was able to change it could be possible, but risky!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Easy: SMeyer is making it up as she goes along to try and have her entire HUGE fandome happy!.

Not that i don't give her props for trying to do it!. You won't genuine burn from me until i know how she feels which will probably never ever happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Meyer messed up and has no continuity, but she won't admit it!. You can tell from interviews that she's got no idea what she's talking about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He must still have spermiez! lol

can you answer my question for me! plz!. (sry if this is rude)

honestly i was wondering that too!. but i figure who cares i love the book!. just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com