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Question: In writing, what does voice mean!?
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Voice is the way the author tells the story!. Let's say you read a lot of Stephen King and you pick up a random book with no author's name on it!. You'd know right away whether it's Stephen King or not because you know the way he writes!. That's his distinctive voice that comes through in his writing!.

If five different people all wrote a book about Beauty and the Beast, they'd be five completely different books!. Because they'd each tell it in their own voice!.

An author's voice is the same as a singer's!. You can tell the difference between Pavarotti and Kurt Cobain because they have their own voice!.

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When you write, you have to thread a story for your readers and get them interested!. It has to be no different than telling a campfire story: you have your highs and lows to point out theme and actions!. also, if a person writes numerous books, someone should be able to tell blind-sighted that it was in fact you who wrote it!. The way its written and the highs and lows differentiate your book from another writer's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Sela C gave you a very good answer on that question!.

Different Authors has a way to want to surprise you with an adventure that is about to happen, or keep you in suspense longer by not revealing the climax and take you to another scene because that one was interrupted but they will lead you back to it!. I like to keep the reader on edge and myself when writing it if Im one of the characters!.

I feel it makes writing a novel so much more exciting!!

Author: T!. G!. McIntyre


Your voice is how you say something!. It is very much like when you speak!. Are you animated!? Do you use short active sentences or do you tend to use a lot of adjectives to describe things!.

Short and active would be:

He jumped off the ledge!

More flowing and descriptive would be:

He took a step toward the edge, his stomach clenching in anticipation of his next move!. With nowhere left to go, he took one step and plunged forward off the cliff!.

Both have their places, but how describe things and structure your sentences will become a pattern in each piece of work you develop!. This is your voice!. The common thread in your writing that will make your work recognizable to those who truly read it!. Voice is often what readers attach themselves to when reading an author!. They may not be 100% sold on a story, but are so taken with an author's voice that they will be eager to read another book by them!.

Karen Syed-Guest Blogging at Emerging Author

Writing is a way of communicating to others when you can't speak face to face!.Voice means how the writer sounds to the reader!. If you are writing something how do you sound to your audience (the people who are reading your work)!?

Here are some links!. I hope you find them helpful!.