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Question: Orginzing my story, any help!?
I am thinking of writing a story (check my questions asked to see the plot and stuff) and i want to orginize everything!. Such as, a document for each thing of my story!. Like for brainstorming, rough draft!.!. etc!.

Now!. I already have the Brainstorming document made, and therough draft (of course i dont have anything down yet)

Do you think i need any other documents to originize everything!? like a seperate for like character, chapters and like the synopis!?

Any help greatly appreciated :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well how you organize is totally up to you!. I'm a folder, sub-folder and sub-sub-folder kind of girl!. I have a bunch of folders!. One such as "background" in which my characters names, birthdays and descriptions, and layouts for the buildings and maps of the town and such!. And folders with outlines galore!. Folders with web adresses I might use again!.
I pretty much have a kajillion folders!. But I use them all and that system works for me!. You'll eventually find your own!.
Good luck and hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should create a profile for all your characters!. What are their personalities like!? What are their interests!? What are their relationships to other characters!? What are their significant purposes!?

Develop your setting!. Get to know!. Draw a map (if the place is complicated)!.

CREATE A TIMELINE!. All important (and maybe smaller, but still significant) events should go here!. This will create a flow, and will help you not slip up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com