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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I would like some opinions on fictional homosexuals, please!?

Question: I would like some opinions on fictional homosexuals, please!!?
I'm working on a follow-up to my first novel, and my genre is Crime Fiction!. In the new book, I'm considering including a homosexual love scene, which is very short but also happens in the first chapter!. The sex is deliberately NON-explicit, and I have concentrated instead on the emotion, mainly because I want the reader to care about what happens to the two men- in the following scene, their secret is discovered and they are violently beaten by two homophobes!.

Thing is, I'm beginning to regret writing the damn scene, because I think that there is a lot of people who ARE quite homophobic!. I don't want to put people off, so please tell me, would a homsexual scene in the opening chapter of what turned out to be an extremely violent novel put you off!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is a really good idea!. I love the genre (In fact its the only thing I read) and it tackles big issues in society such as racism and organised crime so why not cover this important issue!. There are enough heterosexual sex scenes written and I for one would have no problem reading a homosexual sex scene!. As you say, if someone is so inclined as to be homophobic then they aren't worthy readers of your books!.

What is the title of your first book!? I'd like to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wouldn't put me off, but I'm a firm believer in "live and let live!." Unfortunately, there may be some merit to what your saying!. Still, without that opening scene, the whole premise of your book won't work, so I say go for it!. I mean, take a look at "Brokeback Mountain" and tell me that the movie would have been the same piece of brilliant artistry without that one scene!. That scene solidifies the relationship of those two men and puts each of their lives on a path they otherwise wouldn't have walked, for good or for bad!. Write your novel well and with class, and be proud of your work!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends how explicit!. A sexual scene, either heterosexual or homosexual, that is gratuitous and not driving the plot, is a turn off to me!. But there is nothing inherent in homosexuality that should be off-putting to anyone!. Anne Rice includes a lot of implicit and explicit homo-eroticism in her very popular gothic horror books, and even dear old Sir Arthur C Clark worked a gay love scene into 'Imperial Earth'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for me it wouldnt be a problem!.!.!.!.however i understand that it could put some people off, Why dont you consider introducing the partner as some one with a cross gender name such as tony, or Charlie Casey ect!.!.!.!.do the love sex emotion part but dont make his gender become apparent untill after people get to understand the love they have for each other ect


No not at all, it would probably make me want to read on more (something of a strange obsession of mine!.!.!.)!. I recently read a book of short stories by David Levithan and they were about straight, gay and lesbian couples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No , it would not put me off your book!. If it was a good story, that's all I'd care about!. We're 110 years from Oscar Wilde now!. Have the courage of your convictions, sir, and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a personal opinion only, I believe an author needs to write a book or story the way he or she wants to, and the way they feel the story!.

If you start changing your story every time an individual or number of people don't like your ideas, themes or characters, you will not end up writing your book, but your idea of the book they will like and you will risk losing your authentic voice!.

Think of a writer you particularly admire, and ask whether a scene or character in one of their books might be considered 'controversial' or 'difficult' in some way ~ and then ask yourself would the book have been as good without that character or scene!.

For myself, I have read books about everything from killers to innocent babies!. If the opening chapter grabs my attention and holds it, and if I DO care about the characters, it actually doesn't matter to me who or what they are!.That might not be true for everyone, but that's how I do feel about it!.

My two cents!.

Cheers :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wouldn't for me personally, but I'm sad to say that I think it would turn off many readers!. That is no reflection on your writing; just on the Puritanism that still permeates our society today!. However, it's really a risky gamble!. My only advice if that you decide to include it at all (ESPECIALLY in the first chapter!), it needs to be absolutely crucial to the plotline!. In crime fiction, you could honestly find other ways to communicate the love between the characters and make readers care, without dealing with a sex scene!. Then again, if it's as NON-explicit as you say, it may not be an issue!. I guess just be careful, and good luck!. Maybe someday this kind of thing won't be an issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com