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Question: How did Edward get Bella pregnant in Breaking Dawn!?
In the Personal Correspondence number one on the Twilight Lexicon it states:

"And since we’re talking physiology…I’ve had tons of people ask if vampires can have babies!. The answer is no!. When someone becomes a vampire, it’s as if they are frozen exactly as they are in that moment!. His or her (and we’ll go with her because it’s more central to this discussion) body no longer experiences change!. Hair does not grow, nor do fingernails (if you cut your hair, you’re stuck!. That’s why Alice’s hair is so short–it was growing back from being shaved in the asylum)!. This applies to all changes–so a woman would no longer have any kind of ovulation cycle!. If she were already pregnant when she was bitten, both she and the fetus would be frozen in that state!. Which would really suck–pregnant for eternity!? I’m shuddering at the thought!."

So I know that Bella wasn't a vampire but Edward was, and he doesn't have any bodily fluids such as blood or sperm, so how could he have possibly gotten Bella pregnant!? It makes no sense!.
also, how could they have intercourse as he wouldnt be able to get an erection as he has no blood!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah!. I am unhappy about Breaking Dawn!.
I was WONDERING that for ages!. LOL I couldn't even sleep that night after I read Breaking Dawn!.

But then I gave up and settled on three possible reasons for this:

1!. Meyer lied!.
2!. Meyer contradicted her own rules!.
3!. She gave out that statement before she even planned on getting Bella pregnant!.

When she was asked by MTV (interview with questions from fans) she explained that vampire venom works miracles!. MIRACLES! So that means like magic!?! Now you tell me, WHAT KIND OF EXPLANATION IS THAT! Vampire venom working miracles and creating sperm!?!!?!!!?! What the hell, Meyer! You should have given a scientific explanation, at least!!!!

I will NEVER forgive her for writing and publishing Breaking Dawn!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok firstly!. I don't know maybe they could have cut the fetus out of bella or something!? I wonder if it would be alive, or if it would have to be killed or what!. And secondly, I though that vampires just didn't have blood!? But yeah, i guess it was just some miracle that he could get an erection, or maybe just something special like magic!. I'm confused also!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.!. I was wondering that too actually!.!.!. but then maybe they wrote that in the T!.lexicon before meyer decided she was gonna knock up bella LOL!
anyways!.!.!. i think it makes the story more interesting this way

I still think that meyer should send a kind of explanation on the website or smth!. because everything that us fans say are just speculations!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good point!. I am un-sure how this would work!. I heard someone that a human female can get pregnant from a male vampire!. But I agree with you on the sperm and erection bit, pretty much impossible!.
Anyways, a star for you :D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that instead of blood-theres venom in the vains, so to me that explains the erection

as for the sperm thing- im just as mind boggled as you areWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.that is an interesting question!.!.!.
well Breaking Dawn is a fiction book!.!.and anything can happen in a ficton book
i guess that Stephanie Meyers just wrote it that way

good question!. but i have no idea!. its fiction after allWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bella herself pondered this and came to a reasonable conclusion when she found out she was pregnant!. She was still human then, her body was not frozen!. It was undergoing the necessary cycles!. SM said VAMPIRES couldn't have babies - and she seems to have been talking about female ones there!. She never did say vampires can't sire kids!.!.!. And she never did talk about the powers of vampire venom fully enough!. Edward does have venom, and it seems to me that venom performs the functions of human beings' bodily fluids (blood in veins, saliva etc!.), but just in a twisted way to suit the vampires!.
As for your other question, er!.!. I have no idea, my theory may as well cover that part!. Www@QuestionHome@Com