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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight:Why is Jasper always referred to as the newest member of the Cullen fam

Question: Twilight:Why is Jasper always referred to as the newest member of the Cullen family (until Bella)!?
Didn't he and Alice come together!.!.!.!?!?
I've been wondering this for ages so!.!.!.if I'm wrong somewhere can someone please point this out!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
omg!.!.!.i think you're right! :O

maybe when he says that, he means!.!.!.!.it was the hardest for him to accept the new lifestyle as opposed to the wars in the south!? where there was a lot of human blood consumption!? so feeding on animals was a bit of a hard change for him since he had been drinking human blood for so long!? i dunno but that's a good question!

i just read people's answers and maaaan i need to read it again because i know alice found the cullens, but i just don't know whether she found them WITH jasper, i think the order it is brought up in the book seems to insinuate that they actually do come together!.!.!.hmm!.!.!.

but i do know for certain that jasper's been a vampire longer than edward because jasper was an officer in the civil war, whereas edward was born in 1901, so the only cullen vampire older than jasper is carlisle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they both joined the family at the same time but alice has been a vampire longer! jasper is still a newborn kinda! thats why he had so much trouble when bella got a papercut! and thats why he was so useful in the battle in eclipse because he knew so much! hes not so much the newest to the family but the newest to being a vampire so i guess they can kinda look at him as the baby!lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alice was found wandering around, waiting for the Cullens to show because she saw a vision of them coming!. She came before Jasper, and I think Jasper came to them, also!. Maybe he found the Denali clan first and then joined the Cullens!.!.!.!? I can't remember, but Alice found them before Jasper came along!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well they came at the same time but i think they refer to him as the youngest because he still has trouble being around people sometimes like newborns do
but he is older than alice in vampire years because he was turned in the civil war, alice was turned in the 1920'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think its because he is the newest VAMPIRE in the family everyone if i remember correct was a vampire before him!.!.!.didn't alice turn him into one to save him from death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess cuz alice brought him there!. Www@QuestionHome@Com