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Question: Need some great fantasy books!.!?
I need some good fantasy books for teens!. I have read Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, the Inheritance cycle, the Chronicles of Narnia, Inkheart trilogy and stuff like that!. I don't mind some mystery, as I have even read Nancy Drew!. also, I am 'trying' to read books other than fantasy, so if you could help it would be highly appreciated!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

"Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer (a romance story about vampires!.) This is really popular, you have a blend of romance, horror, and just a twinge of fantasy!.

"Green Rider" by Kirsten Britain is a must read!. Its a great fantasy story, about a girl who is running away from school and stumbles across the King's dying messenger whose chest is pierced with a black arrow!. Before he dies he passes the message along to her to take to King (and she must do so before the Grey man appears again with his black arrows)!. It has some mystery, romance, suspense, and is just all around great!.

The "Pendragon" series by D!.J!. MacHale is also great!. Its a combination of fantasy and sci-fi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything by Isobelle Carmody,
I especially recommend her Obernewtyn series!.
Jacqueline Carey (also fantasy) the first book is Kushiel's Dart!.
Sarah Douglas
Jennifer Fallon
(both fantasy)
non fantasy:
Agatha Christie
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Drabble
John Le Carre
Laura Joh Rowland
The Arabian Nights (hussain Haddawy Translation)
The Story of the Stone, by Cao Cuxin
Tale of the Genji & The Diary of Lady Murasaki
by Murasaki Shikibu
The pillow book of Sei Shonogan
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
Daniel Deronda by George Elliot
George Orwell "homage to Catalonia"

Anything by Terry Brooks!. He has written tons of them! I really love his writing, and the Elfstones of Shannara (my favorite book) is being made into a movie and will come out sometime next year!.


The ones I like are the Sword of Shannara, Elfstones of Shannara, Wishsong of Shannara, the Heritage of Shannara series, and the Voyage of the Jerle Shannara trilogy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi, you might want to try my own recently published book, entitled "The Tales of Tanglewood: The Lon Dubh Whistle"!.

You can download the first three chapters for free, at http://www!.talesoftanglewood!.com

Within the pages of the book, readers will discover Colin, a child who is fully aware of the hidden world of myth and wonder hiding within the woods just beyond his home, long kept secret by old magic!. Only the fey magic which runs through his veins has enabled Colin to find what others cannot; the Tanglewood, the 'wood within the woods!.

Full of odd characters and creatures of the fey, the Tanglewood is a world of magnificent folklore come to life!. As Colin begins to explore the Tanglewood, he will find friendship with the ferrish Ailfrid, the elfin girl Deidre, and Doc Muffingrow, a wise druid!.

Colin will also find that there is much magic in himself, as well as dangerous enemies who will not let him find solace in the wood so easily!. Ailil, King of the Sprites and ruler of The Below, has laid claim to his spirit, and Colin will need the help of his friends and quite a bit of magic to save himself!.

The Tanglewood is a place like no other, and Colin is a boy like no other!. Throughout his adventures, he will uncover the secret of the fey blood within him, and help dispel the poisonous corruption and hidden dangers that threaten the inhabitants of the wood and the Tanglewood itself!.

For more details and to download the first three chapters for free, go to http://www!.talesoftanglewood!.com

or you can check out the reviews at Amazon!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Eragon or Inheritance trilogy series!. It's so fantastic, adventurous, real-life sequences and anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mirror Dreams and Mirror Wakes, both by Catherine Webb!.
i really enjoyed these, and hopefully you will too, give them a tryWww@QuestionHome@Com

the icemark chronicles by stuart hill!. they're one of the best books i've read ( and ive reead all the stuff you said, except nancy drew)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the "Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan!.
It's great, and easy to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try look at here!.There are a lot of interesting fantasy books!.