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Question: Do you like or would you read this!?
ok i have written this start to this book and would like ur opinion (specially if it makes sense and all coz it does to me but i not sure bout everyone else)
it is not perfect yet and i expect to revise alot on it but i thought before i bother i should make sure it is a good story
you will find to little <inserted notes> that is because i couldn't think of the thing to put there at the time!.!.!. (book titles and a witty line lol) so suggestions would be appreciative
so enough about me

(i had to create a blog thing to post it becuase it was a bit to big to put in here)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked the story, the ending was good!. Well, not the ending ending, the last thing you wrote!. You need to add some stuff here and there (, ; !. ! !? that stuff) I'd read the rest of it if I could, but yeah id was good!. I don't have any advice/answeres for you though, sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would definately, but are you allowed to put some of harry potter in there with out copyright!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually it's really good!. though I guess your age is about 15!?
The handmaid's tale, by Margaret Atwood, The Red Queen by Margaret Drabble!.
I am not so good at witty one liners!.
I write fanfiction
Listed here are a few books that i have read the hope of improving my creative writing:
plus 'how to read like a writer" by Francine Prose
Not now Jack, I am writing a Novel" by Carmel Bird!.
"getting into character" by Brandilyn Collins
"the mysterious Case of the Misplaced Modifier" by Bonnie Trenga
"eats, shoots and leaves" Lynne Truss
"Zen in the Art of writing" Ray Bradbury
editing made easy' by Bruce Kaplan