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Question: Interesting Novels!.!.!.!?
I am insanely obsessed with vampire novels ever since I read the Twilight saga!.!.!. I've been searching for something as good as Twilight but I always come up empty handed!.!.!. I've already read

Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives

The Vampire Diaries

Circus of the Damned

The Host

Blood and Chocolate

The Gemma Doyle Trilogy

Companions of the Night

The Vampire Kisses Series

The Vampire Acadamy Series

The Vampire Chronicles of Anne Rice

Now that is alot of books if you add up all the books in each series!. But none of them seem to interest me as much as Twilight!.!.!. none of them seem to have that proper combination of fear and romance!. And most are incredibly fictional!. The are so fake!.!.!. not that the authors are bad or anything!. I mean they were okay books but they just don't make me want more!. I'm not sitting on the edge of my chair!. I'm not waiting for more!. Are there any books that are as real or, whats the word!.!.!. compelling as The Twilight Saga!? I mean no offence to the Authors or Fans!.!.!. I just want something new and exciting!. I feel like I've heard it all before!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This doesn't have vampires in it but try Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr it might have the right combination for you!.

With Vampires:
Wildwood Dancing by Marillier
Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires) by Caine
Moon Called (Mercy Thompson) by Briggs

Without Vampires:
Wicked Lovely by Marr
Secret Hour (Midnighters) by Westerfeld
Poison Study (Study Series) by Snyder
The Blue Girl by de LintWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I know of a series I would rank right up there!. Two really!. Neither have vampires but still great books!.

The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials Series #1)
by Philip Pullman

The Golden Compass is a complex story that is worth reading!. It takes a few chapters to get into but after that you cannot stop until you have read all three books in the series!.

Alanna : The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness Series #1)
by Tamora Pierce

Here is a vampire/pirate combo series that I haven't read yet but others seem to really like!. You could give it a try!.

Demons of the Ocean (Vampirates Series #1)
by Justin Somper

Twins, Connor and Grace, never dreamed that there was any truth to the Vampirate shanty their father sang to them before he died, but that was before the two were shipwrecked and separated from each other!. For Connor, who is taken aboard a pirate ship, there's the chance to learn to swordfight, but for Grace, aboard a mysterious ship of vampire pirates, the danger is great!. What will it take for them to find each other!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
They Thirst by Robert McCammon
Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons
Salems lot by Stephen King
Interview With a Vampire by Ann Rice
None of these books have anything to do with Romance , but are great Vampire novels!. Wont find many books that have both those Qualities , well Dracula is kinda a romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you read something that has nothing to do with vampires!?!? Like Property Of by Alice Hoffman!. It's about a teen girl who falls in love with a bad boy too!.

But if that doesn't tickle your fancy, then you should try Anne Rice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dracula by Brom Stoker!. It is the main DNA of the modern vampire stories!. It's so classic and a must read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com