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Question: Book- Rebel Angels- 2nd book to great & terrible beauty!?
I was wondering if anything happens between Kartik & gemma in this book, i read the first one and it seemed kinda dull!.!.!.!.
if you can tell me with out spoiling the book that is; thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first book is a little slow romance-wise, but things progress in the second book!. There's a bit of jealousy in the second book, too,!.!.!. if that intrigues you at all!. The third book has the most romance between the two (but don't be put off because of the dull [romance-wise] start to the third book - Kartik doesn't appear until 80 or so pages in, but it's worth it)!. And if you plan to read the third book, you should read the second at least so you know what's going on!. Quite a few important things happen in the second book!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Things do kinda progress!. it gets much better in the third book, You'll have to read them both they are not dull!. I know the first time I read the first book I was like omg is this every going to progress!. But yes things do happen between them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the first one, Gemma is just starting to realize her feelings for Kartik!. She feels jealousy, lonliness, and feelings of the sort!.
I have yet to read the third one though!. It seemed kind of dull!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i haven't read it in a while but i think Kartik and gemma are still "friends"!. just read it it's GREAT!!!!! and the third book is CRAZY! haha! hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com