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Question: Help!?! How to make it present tense!.!?
I am writing a book yes I am only 12 1/2 almost 13 in 3 months!. So I am trying to make this sentence in present!. so far I have: A tall bald guy with disturbing blue eyes was watching my every move!. He had a smug expression as his facial mask!. how do I make that in present with My body started to shake like I was about to pass out!. should it be My body was starting to shake like I was about to pass out!. also give me a definition of past and present tense with examples!. Thanks I need it only to edit my story because I kept switching from present to past tense!. also what is third person and first person I forgot because it been a while since I had that leason in 7th grade and I attend to forget over summer vacation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
im having a little trouble finding what parts are edit and what is just you talking, but
a tall, bald man with disturbing eyes watches my every move!. he has a smug look on his face, taunting me (i dont know why u put facial mask in, that was redundant)!. I am shaking now, feeling as if I am a moment away from passing out

past tense is writing things that already happened, using the -ed ending usually!. everything you wrote on the story was in past tense
present tense is writing things as theyre happening now, everything i wrote is in present tense
third person is when an outside person (narrator) describes the story, such "he picked up a ball"
first person is what you are writing in right now, where the narrator is the main character, words like "me" and "i" are used!.

btw, not to be mean or anything, but by 7th grade you should know past and present tenses like best friends, and if you dont, i suggest you talk to your teacher, he/she could help a lot moreWww@QuestionHome@Com