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Question: Should I start writing an autobiography!?
I have a talent for writing, but have little patience!. The only piece of writing I completed was an 11-page short story in 4th grade!. I think that's the last time!.
So my main concern is whether or not I'll ever complete it!. I think I'd still like to try!.
I want to start at such a young age (14) just because I remember a lot of important information as of now, which I may not in 10, 15 years!.
So do you think I should!?
And could you give me tips on how to organize, where to start, etc!.!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, yes, you should definitely give it a shot!. It won't hurt!. If you start now and don't finish until you're 60, it doesn't really matter, because it's an autobiography!.
As far as how to start!.!. If i were you, I'd go through my old journals with a clean notebook and write down all the main events and the interesting details that happened in your life, as well as the date they happened so you can go back for future reference!. Start with the earliest events and work your way up!. Only include things you'd want to put in your book, though!. Leave out things that aren't necessary or interesting!. After you've done this, go to your computer and write a shortened version of your book!. Take the things that you wrote down in your list and write about a paragraph or two about each one!. Include more detail about each event!. After that you should be able to start your rough draft of your story!. If you get stuck or end up taking a long break from your writing, you can always refer back to your summery, list, or journal entries!.
I also suggest if you haven't already, that you read other autobiographies so that you have an idea as to how they're done!. I reccomend Knots In My Yo-Yo String by Jerry Spanelli, if you don't know of any!.
Good luck with your book!

Instead of writing an autobiography, I would suggest keeping a journal!. You can practice and improve your writing skills that way and also write down things that you want to remember!. At 14 years old, you just might have enough material to actually make an autobiography!. Years from now though, you might revisit that idea--having journals will help keep the events and the emotions alive for you!.

If you really want to write it though, then write it!. Be passionate about it!. But, if you are worried that your patience will run out way before you are done, try writing some short stories before you jump into a project so large!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try it, you won't lose anything!. The problem on whether or not you are going to complete it!. Just keep it slow, maybe 2 pages per day!. Never work in a rush, it crushes ideas and it tends to make your work subjective !. Just look at it as if it's your hobby!. Have fun while doing it and consider a lot of options!.

My tips are keep your writing place silent or you can listen to music motivates you the most!. And never hurry, 2-3 pages per day is fine!. Just enjoy it, after all it's your masterpiece!. In addition read a lot of books or maybe articles!. This serves as your guideline!.

of course! it is never too early to start an autobio! first, work your way up to present day, then you can start taking it as a journal!. remember that you dont have to write a chapter a day or anything crazy like that!. if you think of it as a casual expression, you know, of your thoughts and actions, then it will be a whole lot less stressful than thinking of it as a BOOK!!!, which can be very intimidating to a 14 year old!. just go for it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The journal idea is the best!. Are they hard-copies or digital!?

If they're not digital, I'd suggest starting there and organize the entries according to theme!. lol!. like a personal blog not on-line where you can search entries, keywords, and dates!.

I used to use something similar called liquid story binder!. You can store photos, make outlines etc!.!.!.it's a charming little piece of software!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should!. It doesn't have to be long!. Don't think of it as the start of a huge, unending, intimidating project, but as you starting to write about your personal history!. It will seem less intimidating that way!. Don't worry right now about publishing it!. Write sincerely!. Keep it for your classes and later you can take a writing class and talk to people about editing it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to start is keep a journal!.!.!.most importantly write it down and write a lot!.!.!.also read good books!.!.!.and do it often!.!.a weekly trip to the public library doesn!.t hurt either!. The more you expose yourself to good writing, the better you will be able to write yourself!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try a memoir first, then write an autobiography when you become famous as a writer!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com