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Question: Why are all the girls in love with edward cullen!?
I mean you've never seen him or heard him talk! Whats up!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have no idea!.
The whole twilight series makes me gag

Ok first of all, by Stephenie Meyers' discriptions, his actions, everything about him, it all describes him!. So, knowing more about Edward, we start to love him!. He is so romantic and cuddly and sweet and mysterious!. He's the perfect man!. So many girls look for a guy like that and there is no one out there like Edward Cullen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually don't understand them, too!.

Edward Cullen is a pedophile, idiot, stalker, liar, wanker who controls Bella EVERY TIME and makes decisions for her!. He is way too possessive, manipulative and over-overprotective!.

I hate him and I dunno why many girls like him!.
I think they should wake up, get a life and a REAL guy!. It's so dumb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely agree with you!. And I'm ashamed of all my friends who are in love with a fictional character like Edward Cullen!. They could at least pick a good fictional character like someone out of Jane Austin books!.
But at least none of my guy friends are in love with bella!.!.!. I absolutley hate her so if any of my friends fell in love with her then I would probably stop talking to them ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly, i think its just the way stephenie meyer writes!. she insanely talented when it comes to writing!. her description makes you visualize your own version of edward!. for example, some people imagine an unbelievably hot guy that, others think he's ugly because they are on team jacob!. but the point is i think most people, not including me, are in love with him because it gives them hope that an incredibly cute guy is somewhere waiting in the eings for you, even if you aren't as gorgeous as him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyers describes him as a hero, a lover, and handsome as a god!. And with the love affair with Bella, he seems very patient unlike Jacob!. He's just sweet!. The perspective people take on the description is everything you want your guy to be!. handsome, tall, fast, smart, kind, everything, hero!. It makes him sound like hes!.!.perfect!. He has his ways with his words that makes people just melt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's the guy from Twilight Series right!? I never read the book but I've seen the guy who plays him in the movie!. *gags* If he's so hot in the book, they should have found a hot guy in real life!. Now if I ever read the book, all I'll see is the real guys ugly face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because when you read the book it says like"as edward touched me my heart startede beating faster"
and its as if its happening to them because it speaks in first person and just everything about him is perfect!.

he is PERFECT!
he is romantic, would die for Bella, protects her, is a vampire, is god-looking, is smart, and smells good!
that equals one dream guyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well first of all I LOVE EDWARD!.!.lol

Well the way stephanie meyer describes him makes him sound perfect in every single way!. To bad he's not real :( Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno, I liked Jake, but the whole Twilight Saga is just sickening!.!.!. I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



i dunnoWww@QuestionHome@Com