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Question: Twilight -- Imprinting!?
What are your thoughts at this whole imprinting thing in Twilight!?
I find it quote annoying , the whole thing it's so stupid (no offense to anyone who's fan of the series, because i'm not)!.
I don't think this is love , i just think it's lust , in the last book SM totally ruined the character of Jake by making him pedo , and the whole thing was just nasty!. She made pedophilia to look ok !
Same thing happened in Eclipse when Quill imprinted on Claire!
That are my thoughts on this!.!.!.
What do you think!?

Thanks XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that you are right, She makes it okay by saying that they don't feel romantically about them till their older but still!.!.it's wasn't necessary to the story and I think it would have been better if those parts were left out or written differently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the thing is, imprinting on Renesmee didn't make jacob a pedo!. Imprinting on a child is like he said, he's not lusting toward Renesmee!. As for now, he's her caretaker like a father and only wants to make her happy!. When she gets older, he'll be her best friend, and when she is just about his age (since he's basically frozen in time) that is when they will love each other fully!. Do u see where I'm coming from!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't lust!. They imprint on certain people because (theory) they would make stronger "shape-shifter" babies!. AND it's not pedophilia!. If you paid attention, it isn't like that! They start out like big brothers then when she is old enough it would be more like a best friend then eventually a mate!.!.!. It's not like they "love" them like "that" when they are children!. So no she didn't ruin Jake (even though i didn't like him ANYWAY!) He's not like that, he just wants to take care of her!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmmmm!.!.!.!.I actually kind of like it because it puts a different spin on things!. I was getting tired of the whole Jake + Bella thing and it was kind of a relief when he imprinted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not like jake is gonna have sex with her plus she only has to reach seven until she can have sex with him but i feel bad for quil because he has to wait sixteen years Www@QuestionHome@Com


thanks for the pts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. It is stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are not a fan of the series, then why did you read all the way to the end!? Why didn't you stop long before Breaking Dawn if you didn't like the series!? Sound pretty dumb to me!.

And she did not make Jake a pedophile!. He states over and over and over that it is not a romantic or lustful thing!. The whole imprinting thing makes it so the person you imprint on is the most important thing in the world to you; it makes it so you will fill whatever role they want you to!. That may NEVER be romantic if that is not what they are looking for!. It may be nothing more than a best friend!. Jacob is not just passing the time waiting for Nessie to get old enough to screw, he is trying to really be there for her as a father/older brother type figure!.

I find it funny how many people read pedophilia into these books!. She wrote a story with none of that in it; leave it to society to have to corrupt and bastardize what is written for the sake of a good scandal!.

If you are looking for something like that, try reading The Bastard Out of Carolina; don't read it into books where it is nonexistent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com